📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Fall 2024 🍁🌰🍎

21st november :fireworks:

two chapters of 3月のライオン starting vol 9, with a return to the slice of life stuff. noguchi once again being the character with the most difficult speech pattern (how often do you see 拙宅(せったく)?). coming up on the halfway mark in suspect x. no more kaito files for the foreseeable future, so hopefully i remember i need to load the autosave next time not the manual one.

emoji book pages read
:lion: 3月のライオン vol 9 0-36
:mag: lost judgment x
:rose: 容疑者(ようぎしゃ)Xの検診(けんしん) 167-188
:crossed_swords: men at arms 0-40

today’s nhk article was this one (cows :cow2: ) plus the entries on (おも)うに and をおいてほかに~ない in aDoAJG