📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Fall 2024 🍁🌰🍎

20th november :fireworks:

two chapters of 3月のライオン and finished the volume! i reach non-anime content in the next volume, which is exciting! finished the chapter of suspect x i was in the middle of yesterday too. i like the increasing paranoia from ishigami.

emoji book pages read
:lion: 3月のライオン vol 8 141-end
:mag: lost judgment i forgot how much cutscene there was, i might have to redo a boss fight cos i quit without saving
:rose: 容疑者(ようぎしゃ)Xの検診(けんしん) 153-167
:crossed_swords: men at arms 0-x

today’s nhk article was this one (sea creature research, it comes with a video at the end) plus the entries on (おも)えば and をものともせず in aDoAJG