📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Fall 2024 🍁🌰🍎

31st october :jack_o_lantern: halloween!

2 chapters of 3月のライオン to start vol 6! it’s interesting reading this and LJ at the same time and seeing how they tackle the same subject matter differently. today’s chapter of hotel dusk was much longer than yesterday’s but i got there. keeping all the information about all the characters in my head is starting to get difficult :sweat_smile:

emoji book pages read
:lion: 3月のライオン vol 6 0-41
:mag: lost judgment x
:hotel: ウィッシュルーム chap 8 complete, in which kyle did some bowling

today’s nhk article was this one (riding on the roof of a taxi) and this one (fire at a mushroom farm) plus the entries on に()まっている and に()したことはない in aDoAJG (i’m only about halfway through the Ns :sob:)