📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

18 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 15% → 19%
:ring: 隣は何を食う人ぞ ~ほろ酔い~ 7 manga 27 30% → 100% (complete) :white_check_mark:
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 30% → 55%
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Main was half the week’s reading for 同じ夢, really finding this one a bit difficult, but keeping at it. Could just be not having ideal circumstances to read it in.
  • Finished ほろ酔い7 a day or two ago. So sweet and sappy.
  • Continuing Dungeon Meshi 3 but mostly messing about with note-taking stuff to try and determine how to scribble notes on the manga non-destructively (see my log).

Brain hurts… hate working on Sundays


Home post

Feb 17

  • :kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん chapter 18 (this week’s reading)

Just a little bit of reading today because I was busy and felt very tired by evening


2月17日 & 2月18日
Home post

Posting for two days having read Week 6 of the ABBC for Ruri Dragon. I thought I could do one week’s worth of pages in a day, which I had been doing for the previous weeks, but this week 6 dialogue was quite difficult. As usual, I read this week’s set of pages twice: first without pausing and looking up and the second time using the relevant ABBC thread and the accompanying vocab and grammar sheets. I probably need to allot more time than just the weekend to finish 2 weeks worth of pages every week in time for the next ABBC.

Words or phrases of interest not on the vocab list:

  • このまま like this
  • くしゃみ sneeze
  • 遅かれ早かれ sooner or later
  • ところで by the way
  • ケンカ quarrel, dispute, argument

Grammar points that have come up multiple times throughout the weeks that I keep having to look up:

  • んだ|んです|のです explanatory, emphasis, the fact is
  • わ sentence-ending particle that reflects your perception or sentiment based on personal observation and/or experience
  • らしい|らしいです seems like, apparently, I heard
  • かも|かもしらん|かもしれん|かもしれない|かもしれません might, probably, maybe

GAH! I really need to get those grammar points into my head.





すごい!Hahaha. I like what you did there. ありがとう for the extra reading practice!

I was pretty surprised I only had to look up three things there:

  • 記憶 memory (I looked it up and it was only when I read the pronounciation that I realised I know it from Korean)
  • 残る to remain
  • 跡 trace in DeepL (but I’m guessing this can also mean connections)

I didn’t know how to say ‘wire new neuron trails into your mind’ in Japanese lol so i just approximated


Feb 18

虐殺器官 8% - 9%

Notable phrases from yesterday:

  • のみならず not only … but …
  • のちに later/afterward

17th + 18th feb

home post

yesterday was a pixiv and granblue kind of day (even tho the valentines thing is pretty dull, it’s smth and has varied speech styles so might as well :person_shrugging:) and today was granblue again, plus flicked through some pages of worst cos it came the other day and it’s sitting on my shelf staring at me


Feb 18, Sun of Week 7 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.8 [226-231/258]

  • ぼぎわんが来る (16-19%)

  • Persona 4 Golden

No real quick save so far. Might be inconvenient sometimes.

Words of the day
  • 解像度(かいぞうど) = resolution (e.g. of a display, image)
  • 恣意的(しいてき) = arbitrary
  • 角部屋(かどべや) = corner room; room in the corner
  • 加盟(かめい) = joining; participating, e.g. into the UN
  • 活路(かつろ) = means of survival. Livelihood way compared to 血路(けつろ).
  • 内実(ないじつ) = the actual truth; the real fact


Home Thread // February 18th, 2024 :birthday:

Name Progress State Finished
The King’s Birthday 6/7 chapters (86%) Currently reading
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Welp, I didn’t read any NHK today, even though I said I saved some for today :rofl: I guess it’s kinda ok, since it’s my birthday today, so I guess I can kinda consider it a day partially off :joy: At least I read one more chapter from the king’s birthday, which was about the birthday party of the king!

@MissDagger @Izabelle Thanks a lot for the nice birthday wishes! :two_hearts:


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月18日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 21/41
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 3 chapters 123/261
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 時をかける少女 20% 24% 135 new words

I enjoy seeing you liking some posts from back then :grin: it was my first manga ever! And I had found it very very difficult, couldn’t complete the reading in one sitting usually, so hang in there :muscle:
Have you also found the video for it? There is a video with voice acting for the first three chapters, it helped me a lot, to understand who is talking, to know that some things written are not words but sounds, etc


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 18 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (23% → 30%)

Got to read a bit in the morning. I feel like I’m reading faster, though zoning out happens quite a bit and I end up reading the same sentence 5 times, so in the end it’s not that much of an improvement overall.

いよいよ明日だね、first day of internship :eyes: :sparkles: tanoshimiiii~


2024-02-17 – 2024-02-18

:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-18 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: Prologue
:computer: 0 → 2.5%
:page_facing_up: 10 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 30m
2024-02-17 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 14
:page_facing_up: 15 pages
:hourglass: 55m

So yesterday I was away, so this is (hopefully the last) multiple update for this challenge. I read chapter 14 of 本好きの下剋上’s novel, and in the process figured out why I got so confused on chapter numbers (I’d been numbering them from adding +1 to my previous updates here, since the book itself doesn’t have chapter numbers, but I’d entered the wrong number in my first update for this thread, so actually all the chapter numbers were off by 2 in previous updates). So I’ll go back and fix those posts, but the page numbers in this thread and natively are at least correct.

Then today I read half of this week’s content for the IBC. This is the first full on novel novel I’m attempting in Japanese, and unlike 本好きの下剋上, I’ve got the regular edition and not the junior full furigana edition. So it’s just as well I invested in getting my ttsu + yomitan setup working, because I did a lot of lookups this week. It might be the yakuza language, or just the fact the book is 45 years old (if you read some 70s/80s English novel, the word choices are also different, after all), or the lack of furigana, but this weeks’ reading would have been a lot longer without that setup.

It does also mean the page counts for this book are going to be estimated, basically just multiplying the character count percentage by the total page number, so if you have the physical book and notice my pages-per-chapter is slightly off, that’s why.

Anyway, have 2 weeks off work, so I’ll probably try push to get 本好きの下剋上 1 finished off so I’m not juggling two novels when I go back to having regular amounts of time to spend on Japanese again.


I read one level 1 story, and an article from Satori Reader called “The Jam Maker.” Some sentences were still difficult.


Feb. 17

Broke my streak whoops.

Feb. 18

Reread the chapters of 式守さん and 気になってる人が男じゃなかった that I read on Friday to help cement some parts I found tricky, then read chapter 14 of 式守さん。


Feb 19

虐殺器官 9% - 11%

I found a lot of new grammar points/phrases today:

ならともかく maybe (it) is possible for … but…
あまつさえ …besides, …
に他はならない it is none other than
とは I was surprised that; the fact that
をものともせずに in defiance of
曲がりなりにも somehow or other


Thank you so much for filling up the grammar sheet!! It’s been a really big help! As well as the contributions in the discussion threads! Week 6 discussion was pretty heavy too since one of the readers decided to give up at that point. Honestly was thinking about it as well, but I really wanna finish it!

And yes, I’ve been watching the voice over and I’m loving it!


Home post

Feb 18

  • :desert: BASARA chapter 4, which finishes volume one!

This first volume sure ended on a pretty sombre note. I’m unfortunately finding Tamura’s handwriting very difficult to read because of the small size + the blurriness of my digital copy :smiling_face_with_tear: so I just skimmed the atogaki. Also, this was my first book read that hadn’t been graded yet on Natively, so it was interesting to be the first one to grade it and see it change from a question mark number to a solid number.


15 Feb - 18 Feb

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 8 147-176 176/176 finished
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 191-204 204/256 reading

Actions in the Harry Potter stared to develop very fast. Only 2,5 chapters to go!


19 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 19% → 22%
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 55% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Forgot to post this morning. Finished the week’s read of 同じ夢.
  • Did some more messing about with Ms Elf 4 playing with my furigana-reading method. Think I’m into it, as long as the various components stay functional.