📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 8 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

お月様の唄 :crescent_moon: :musical_note:
Progress: page 35/35

That’s this story complete! Onto the next one tomorrow! :boom:

I. spy. gyoza!
It all looks so good


Home Post

I’m finding 日本の歴史 a little dry but I’m quite like the characters they’ve added to spice it up a bit and I’m sure I’ll find things more interesting later on since it starts with the stone age stuff. Almost all the words I don’t know are ones it explains in text so I keep having to stop myself from looking things up until I finish reading the page in case it explains it. :laughing:

Last weekend I had my switch and had no internet so I was searching my downloaded games to see what I had and realized I’d tried 二ノ国 a while back and it was too frustrating at the time with too many lookups to really enjoy it. I tried it again and it this time it was actually doable! I do remember the start of the game tho so hopefully it’s not just my memory filling in the blanks. I decided to try to continue for a bit. We’ll see how it goes. I’m almost to the point I was last time so I should know soon.

日本の歴史 1 pages 31-63

日本の歴史 1 pages 64-75

二ノ国 ~1 hour. Started the game and juuuust got to the 二ノ国

二ノ国 ~45 min. Started going through a forest. Died once already haha.

二ノ国 ~45 min. Finished the forest and got into the town!

二ノ国 ~45 min. Did some little side quests. Talked to the king and stuff.

日本の歴史 1 pages 76-113


I’m still reading everyday and it’s definitely getting more biased toward pleasure and interest as opposed to studying.

This week I’m tantalisingly close to finishing my biographies book and Akiko on Satori. Plus, I’m making quick progress through 小さな森のオオカミちゃん 2, reading road, and Slam Dunk. I’ve slowed down ふしぎ駄菓子屋 to book club pace until I’ve cleared some of the reads that have been ongoing for ages.

In the past I only managed to regularly keep up with a couple of titles and kind of rotated them by interest. The last couple weeks I seem to have more stamina to get into 3-4 of my ongoing titles every evening.


Home Thread // February 8th, 2024

As usual, I read two more chapters from Aryn’t rescue, and I’ll probably gonna finish it tomorrow. Also, I will try to make such a progress table tomorrow as well lol


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:frog: かえるくん、東京を救う (Super Frog saves Tokyo), short story by Haruki Murakami, pages 14 &15 / 36.

Still tense and funny. The characters are uncanny and incredible. Please I want this reading to never end :pray:


2月8日 | Home post

  • 夜カフェ 1 (19.00% → 22.42%)
  • アオハライド (2) pp. 23-50

Finished 夜カフェ 1 Chapter 3 and read some more アオハライド. This volume is going a little slower, but I’ll try to finish アオハライド (2) this weekend.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月8日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 5/41

No, in Denmark! I have never been to Japan so I can’t compare but it was really delicious. And the staff looked Japanese but I’m very shy and my Japanese is so broken they looked so busy I didn’t try and talk with them.

Well spotted! Was delicious too!


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 8 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (57% → 70%)

Reading on the train helped a lot. If only I could set aside the same amount of time in my daily schedule :thinking: :eyes:


I do so much reading on the train (when I have sufficient brainpower)… work from home took that from me, though I do appreciate it for other reasons (i.e not having to get the train at 6am)


I read two level one stories.


Home post

Feb 8

  • 乙嫁語り chapter 12, which starts volume 3
    This volume starts with a new setting and new characters; exciting!
  • スキップ・ビート! first half of chapter 65
    There was a handwritten section where I saw the onomatopoeia ピチピチ abbreviated as ピチ² which was interesting! I had never seen that exponent of two symbol used for abbreviation before!
    (I also learned a few days ago that those author’s notes sections in manga that take up like a third of the side of the page seem to be called 柱, which I knew meant pillar but didn’t know meant that too! It’s nice to have a word in my head now for those things)

Feb. 8

I played about an hour of Pokemon Ultra Sun in Japanese and read 2 chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん. Ultra Sun is still rough but I understand ちょこちゃん so much better than I did just a couple chapters ago.

I also levelled up to level 10 on Wanikani.


Feb 8

Home post

同じ夢 page 20 21 22


2月7日 & 2月8日
Home post

Read three episodes from Dialogs: Hotel on Satorireader. Particularly interesting to listen to was the dialog on making reservations on the phone when they were dictating the kanji in their names. It kind of blew my mind how they do it.

An example:


Now I wonder if there are standard words to use when doing this or it can just be any kanji you have in mind.

Also played some animal crossing last night! Read some mails and practiced reading item names.


9 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:leopard: 押しかけギャルの中村さん : 3 manga 22 0 → 80%
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 17% - no change
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 10% - no change

Hmm, did I mess up the date on that last one or did I just skip it? Anyway…


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 7

Busy day, read chapter 10 of あなたも殺人犯になれる!

:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 8

Another busy day, read あなたも殺人犯になれる! chapter 11. Grateful that these chapters are short so I can fit them in. Looking forward to having more time so I can play 逆転裁判 though.


9th feb

home post

chap 47 (first chap of vol 11) of ouran done! this looks like a long story arc so we’ll see how it goes. also finished the rest of シンデレラは(さが)さない vol 1 and yeah i’ll read more of that! it’s kind of simple and easy (well, if your cooking terminology is better than mine, i think the natively level is a bit low), hints of drama on the horizon in between the romance stuff, plus it’s only four volumes total. it’s not amazing but it could definitely be a good palette cleanser. more pages than usual of the bakumatsu book cos it was a manga bit

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, plus the entries on rhetorical question and ろくに~ない in aDoIJG


ファイオー - from some googling it’s a little bit like ファイト but with a strong connection to running?

舞茸(まいたけ) - grifola frondosa, kind of mushroom
勲章(くんしょう) - decoration, honour, medal. learned the kanji on here the other day so i thought it was neat i saw it so quickly
公開処刑(こうかいしょけい) - public execution.
also first time i’ve seen the ()わず grammar point in the wild i think


Feb 9, Fri of Week 6 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.6 [182-185/258]

  • ぼぎわんが来る (0-5%)

  • DIJG : のみ, ~の(もと)

Words of the day
  • 合法化(ごうほうか) = legalization; making lawful
  • 加担(かたん) = support; assistance; being an ally

Book highlights

クリミア戦争 = Crimean War - Wikipedia
ゴーゴリ = Nikolai Gogol - Wikipedia, writer of 「検察官
ドストエフスキー = Fyodor Dostoevsky - Wikipedia, writer of 「罪と罰
トゥルゲーネフ = Ivan Turgenev - Wikipedia, writer of 「父と子
トルストイ = Leo Tolstoy - Wikipedia, writer of 「戦争と平和
チェーホフ = Anton Chekhov - Wikipedia, writer of 「桜の園

ヴィクトリア女王 = Queen Victoria - Wikipedia
チャーティスト運動 = Chartism - Wikipedia (チャーティズム)
グラッドストン = William Ewart Gladstone - Wikipedia
ダービー = Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby - Wikipedia
ディズレーリ = Benjamin Disraeli - Wikipedia


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 9 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

キンショキショキ :monkey: :mirror_ball:
Chapters: 2/4

Onto the next story, this one’s pretty short so going to count chapters instead.

It seems to be about a mysterious monkey who appears in a town one day, busts some sick dance moves and demands food before running away.

Word the Monkey Found

切端 / 切り羽「きりは」ー Working face (of a mine; coal seam; etc.)


Seems like you have two entries for Feb 6