23 Feb - 25 Feb
Title | Pages read | Progress | Status |
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 | 221-256 | 256/256 | finished |
I have finished Harry Potter! I’m so proud of myself! My first finished novel in Japanese
I don’t think that I’ll continue with other HP books when there are tons of interesting books by Japanese authors. A year and a half ago I became a fan of 本好きの下剋上, and I’ve already read several chapters of the webnovel. So I’ve bough first two books of the series. I don’t plan to re-read first chapters, but I want to read all extra chapters and then continue the story. And I’m waiting for the spin-off that is coming out in July
But it is yet another story which plot I know, so I want to try and read 狼と香辛料 in parallel to experience reading a story which is completely new for me.