📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

day 4 :dragon:
home post

Read: Yotsubato!

Progress: 35/224-> 50/224 (finished chapter 1)

Thoughts: I enjoyed the ending of chapter 1! Amusing, simple to read, but also good practice for me. The final ordeal was quite entertaining and I didn’t have to look up many words, so I could enjoy just reading it. not sure how to spoiler things here, so can’t mention what it was

I look forward to starting chapter 2 tomorrow~


:sparkling_heart: Day 2 - January 4th :sparkling_heart:

  • 二度目の初恋 page 014-019

Yesterday I left the book at home, so I couldn’t read it. :sweat_smile: I did read a lot about how to write 履歴書 and 自己PR, though… does it count? Hahaha :joy:

Today I read a little and stopped just right after the MC decided to give up on her first love. Honestly, this story is so trope-y and cliche, but I like it just fine. Give me the ドキs :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

New words
  • 担任=homeroom teacher
  • 転校生=transfer student
  • 噛み殺す=to stifle a smile; to hold back a yawn
  • ぼんやり=dimly; faintly; absentmindedly
  • ぼんやりする顔=blank face
  • 記憶=memory
  • さかのぼる=to go back; to trace back
  • 教卓=teacher’s desk
  • 眠気=sleepiness; drowsiness
  • 吹き飛ぶ=to vanish; to disappear
  • 叫ぶ=to shout; to cry; to scream;
  • どよめく=to resound; to make a stir
  • 横=side-to-side; beside; next to
  • 生徒=student
  • 表情=facial expression
  • やがて=before long; soon; finally
  • 直後=immediately following
  • 絶叫=scream; shriek; shout; exclamation
  • 案の定=just as one thought; sure enough
  • まばたき=blink (of eyes); wink
  • 自覚=self-consciousness; self-awareness

(Home Post)


I started to read ふゆから、くるる recently and its a pretty wild story so far. I haven’t gotten deep into the actual plot yet (its supposed to be a murder mystery) but the world building has been interesting. I’m loving the music and art in this one too.

Anyways, during my reading they were talking about chess and I came across what has to be the largest word compound I’ve seen so far 「二人零和有限確定完全情報ゲーム」 :joy:


:spiral_calendar: Day 4: January 4th :umbrella:

spacer:girl: からかい上手の(元)高木さん Volume 10 (10% ➨ 17%)
spacer:crossed_swords: ポケットモンスタースペシャル Volume 7 (0% ➨ 6%)

Small reading day today as I took out the time to learn all the new things in the HTML standard from the last 20 years. (As it turns out, it’s a lot less than I expected!) Between that and updating one of my projects to utilize a custom element in HTML+Javascript, I was left with little time for manga.


January 4th
What did I read?: にわにはににん
How much did I read?: 18 pages
(Finished 2nd Story: ユーレカの庭 )
How long did it take me?: 2 hours 5 min

I have now finished the second story! :tada:


Happy birthday to a surprisingly large group of people! I’m a bit behind so afraid to tag names and miss anyone, but :cake: happy birthday(s) all the same!

I didn’t read yesterday and only read half the ユージニア assignment today. I’ve been very tired and busy this week so it’s not working out well for my reading goals. Here’s hoping tomorrow goes better.



I read 5 volumes of HQ today, all the way through vol 43! There are only 2 volumes left, *sobs*

Some vocab of note:

仰々しい (ぎょうぎょうしい) [い-adj.] exaggerated; bombastic; highly colored
頭が高い (ずがたかい) [expression, い-adj.] haughty; holding one’s head high
惜敗 (せきはい) [noun, する verb (自)] regrettable defeat; defeat by a narrow margin. As opposed to 完敗 (かんぱい) “utter defeat; annihilation.”
引く手数多 (ひくてあまた) [noun] being very popular; being in great demand
天秤にかける (てんびんにかける) [expression, 一] to compare and contrast (two alternatives); to weigh the relative merits (of two options); to weigh (one’s options)
呉越同舟 (ごえつどうしゅう) [四字熟語, noun] bitter enemies in the same boat; rivals finding themselves together by chance


:books: :snowflake: softlyraining’s snowy book stack :snowboarder: :open_book:

January 4th

:red_square: ラストで君は「まさか!」と言う 冬の物語 (28% → 32%)

Finished another story! This one, 「氷のジジイ」, is about a group of kids who walk through an empty lot on their way to school. They usually mess around a bit while they’re there. One of the kids, however, is afraid of the old man who lives next to it, while the other children aren’t terribly concerned. I thought this story might venture off into the spooky, but the author went for a more heartwarming ending. I think I mentioned this in the advent calendar thread, but because of the 3 minute limitation, these stories all run into the problem of needing to do a substantial bit of telling one way or another. I’m sure it’s not easy to write something amazing under this limitation. Still, there’s only been one spooky winter tale so far, so it was kind of a letdown that this wasn’t another.

Many birthday wishes to @Cathm2, @Hantsuki, @lucylavelle, and @nyxqueenofshadows! :tada: :birthday:


January 4 :snowflake: Home Post

Even more 山猫 today; I read 52 pages which I think is the most I’ve read of a novel in a day by a pretty large margin so… yay!! :tada: It was spread over a few sittings but still some really solid progress. Story-wise, things sure are getting interesting :eyes: the book’s namesake has arrived in full force and oh he is as much of a character as I anticipated, any character who will unironically say この俺様 is bound to be a good time :joy: so it’s been a lot of fun hearing more from him directly and watching 勝村 suffer trying to deal with him lmao. Also in retrospect I can’t believe I wasn’t even a little bit suspicious about a character named 山根虎 just happening to meet 勝村 and bond with him about 今井, like wow that should’ve raised some flags :laughing: But also mysteries upon mysteries :eyes: what’s the deal with the necklace? Also just with 今井 in general? How many people are somehow connected to it all? Very curious :eyes:

Also happy birthday to like half the people in this challenge apparently?? I hope you’ve all had a wonderful time! :grin::tada:


Home Post

Day 4 Progress:
お隣の天使様 五冊 - 64.24% → 66.97%

Another subpar reading day and quick post before I go to bed for work tomorrow. I definitely feel like I’ve been becoming pretty lax with my JP studies lately… spending more of that time playing games with friends. Not having much to do outside for work is definitely affecting that mentality lol.

As a side note though I’m really enjoying just doing little Twitter webcomic translations for friends. It’s a nice way to feel like my efforts haven’t been going to waste and weirdly enough actually doing pretty well in the motivating department.

Word of the Day: 魔法瓶まほうびん - thermos bottle or vacuum flask. I didn’t realize Japan was so fascinated with heat-retention properties LOL.

Hilariously enough my own state (Massachusetts) placed sixth in that same video. Was not expecting that name to come up, lol.


:face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye: is there any chance you could put this stuff under spoiler tags? You’re very far ahead of me with ハイキュー , think there’s a few other people in this thread too who are in the ハイキュー reading club which is on vol 11 right now. Nice to be able to have the option avoid potential spoilers as you’re at the end.

In other news, after a big reading slump (which may or may not have coincided with me downloading the game ‘Obey Me’ on my phone, but hey, it’s in japanese so it kind of counts??) I’ve got back into reading everyday! Currently enjoying BUSTAFELLOWS and Who Inside with their respective book clubs. Also read 今夜、世界からこの恋が消えても this week which I would recommend to people who like romance stories that make you cry lots, but I actually listened to the audiobook so probably doesn’t count for this challenge!


There are two ways and they are both hiding under the cogwheel in the configure row at the top of the reply window.

Blur spoiler looks like this.

Blur spoiler looks like [spoiler]this[/spoiler].

And detail tag like this:

Summary - you can type whatever you want here, doesn't need to call it summary, could even be empty

This text will be hidden

[details=“Summary - you can type whatever you want here, doesn’t need to call it summary, could even be empty”]
This text will be hidden

Typically I use blur for short spoilers or part of a sentence spoilers. Detail tag is good if you want to spoiler a lot. Or if you want to hide a super long reply like I did recently. xD

Happy birthday to @lucylavelle!! :partying_face:


:open_book: :desktop_computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: January 4

Finally had a solid block of reading time so I could finish chapter 2 of ユージニア (13% → 16%). As expected that was a better experience than reading in little chunks so I’ll try to see if I can read full chapters in the future… I’m probably two slow for that now so maybe just half… we’ll see.

Also played like 15 min of BU$TAFELLOWS. I’m just starting chapter 2 so I better up my playing time if I’m to keep up with the club.

So the good news is I’m really enjoying everything I’m reading right now, the bad news is it’s very hard to find solid blocks of time to dedicate to them.


Home post

1 月 5 日
コナの大冒険 第19話 from Satorireader

Same series today but will change it up over the weekend!

New words:
泥棒 (どろぼう) thief, theft
犯人 (はんにん) offender, perpetrator


Thanks for the words of encouragement @ChristopherFritz ! Will definitely be joining the next ABBC and I’m excited for the results to come out this coming Saturday!

A few of my other concerns in reading outside of Satorireader was also covered by @emiri_learns_jp (the many pauses in reading to look up stuff and whether to create additional set of flash cards for new vocab encountered when reading). The responses to that were useful too so thanks for sharing!


Jan 5, Thu of Week 2 of Winter Q1 2023 :snowman::snowflake:

  • うたわれるもの

Extra gallery has a second page now.

  • 君の膵臓をたべたい Ch.2 (8% => 11%)

  • はたらく細胞 Black Vol.2 Ch.8

When an auntie calls you a big bro.


About upcoming book clubs, Komi-san seems interesting. Yotsuba-to! is interesting too, but digital copies seem to be nowhere to be found (other than sample chapters on the website).

Interesting words
  • バタつく = to panic. Also, バタバタ.
  • かたじけない = grateful. Kanji form is (かたじけな)い. Bad (かたち)?
  • のんべんだらり = doing nothing. Probably のんびり + (だる)い.
  • のさばる = to do as one pleases; to domineer. のせる + ()る perhaps.
  • ()だたる = famous. Probably creating ((たた)る) a big name.
  • (まぎ)れる = to get mixed up with / to do something under cover. Not directly related is (まぐ)れ = fluke.
  • (こぼ)す = to spill. Related is (こぼ)す / (こぼ)れる (?).
  • (つら)なる = to stretch out (e.g. east to west). Looks like sound changes from ()れる.
  • 見積(みつ)もる = to make an estimate
  • 溝浚(どぶさら)い = cleaning out mud form a drain. (どぶ) + (さら)う.
  • 神代(かみよ) = Age of the Gods
  • 行方(ゆくえ) = whereabouts. Dropping Furigana confuses me a little.
  • 湯浴(ゆあ)み = taking a bath. The verb though, is usually ()びる, not み.
  • 貧相(ひんそう) = looking shabby / looking poor
  • 結託(けったく) = conspiracy
  • 界隈(かいわい) = vicinity; neighborhood
  • 憧憬(どうけい) = adoration; yearning. First Kanji is from (あこが)れる. Second Kanji seems to serve the same meaning as the first.
  • 蓬髪(ほうはつ) = disheveled hair
  • 俸禄(ほうろく) = a pay; a salary
  • 暗躍(あんやく) = secret maneuvers
  • 隠密(おんみつ) = covert; secret (operation). Uses おん, where I confuse with 平穏(へいおん).
  • 朝廷(ちょうてい) = Imperial Court. (ちょう) sounds like Chinese Dynasty.
  • 三重苦(さんじゅうく) = triple handicap
  • 大捕物(おおとりもの) = rounding up of criminals = large ()(もの).
  • 破落戸(ごろつき) = thug. Vocabulary was known, but not the Kanji form.
  • 武勲(ぶくん) = feat of arms
  • 七輪(しちりん) = charcoal cooking stove. Yeah, 7 rings.
  • 吟味(ぎんみ) = closely examining
  • 濾過(ろか) = filtering
  • 不摂生(ふせっせい) = neglecting one’s health
  • ストレス解消(かいしょう) = stress relief
  • (おん)()る = to be indebt to
  • (たち)(わる)い = bad nature; nasty
  • 安請(やすう)()い = promising without due consideration


  • ガシガシ = clattering noise / swaying and shaking / broken down


  • (ワイ)

    • deep recess
    • ワイ
      • 界隈(かいわい)
    • (くま)
  • (ロク) (祿)

    • stipend
    • ロク
      • 俸禄(ほうろく),     高禄(こうろく),     秩禄(ちつろく)
  • ()

    • filter
      • 濾過(ろか),     濾紙(ろし)
      • 濾胞(ろほう)
  • (ドウ) (Level 59)

    • long for; yearning
    • ドウ
      • 憧憬(どうけい)
    • (あこが)れる

So many people’s birthday in not even a week of the new year. HBD :tada::birthday::candle:

Only than I am not sure about my timezone and Discourse.


home post

these posts are getting later and later in the day for me oh no asdfghjkl

read another 24 pages of 蟲師 which is just over half a chapter. i feel like i’m getting into the rhythm of it now, but it’s also very fun to read which helps, they really do feel like folktales, this chapter is about 蟲 who feed on sound and silence and inadvertently deafen the townspeople. one of the characters spoke in a very honourific/old-fashioned way and used おらぬ at one point, which is fun

other notable vocab: 蝸牛(かたつむり - snail, 凄まじい (すさまじい)- terrible, tremendous, intense, 寄生 - parasitism

thanks for all the birthday wishes! and it’s someone else’s today, we’re really clumping together huh :joy: happy birthday @lucylavelle !


January reading, starting on the 7th because I’m still on vacation dang it.

Jan’s book:

  • コンビニ人間. I will finally get past the first chapter lol. I will finally stop forgetting to charge my Kindle so I can actually read it.

Jan’s manga:

  • 07 Jan: 本好きの下剋上 第一部 2
  • 14 Jan: 本好きの下剋上 第一部 3
  • 21 Jan: 本好きの下剋上 第一部 4
  • 28 Jan: 本好きの下剋上 第一部 5

:raccoon: :books: The Tanuki Kotatsu Reading Den :snowflake: :raccoon:

January 5th
新書太閣記 progress: 00.31% // Volume I: 03.64% :full_moon:

That’s the first chapter complete, onto the next tomorrow!

This is a bit easier reading, sentence-wise at least. I get held up a lot with looking up all the words and history stuff (but that is a lot of fun).

Words found under the kotatsu

「ほの」ー Faintly; dimly; barely
がやがや ー Noisily; jabbering; chattering (like the noise of a crowd of people)
皆の衆「みなのしゅう」ー Everybody
盆地「ばんち」ー Basin (geography)
浅黄「あさぎ」ー Light yellow
既往「きおう」ー The past
手押し車「ておしぐるま」ー Handcart; wheelbarrow
心棒「しんぽう」ー Shaft; axle
キイキイ ー Sharp creak/squeak/screech (the thing it’s describing here is a squeaky carriage)
容貌「ようぼう」ー Looks; features; physical appearance
糺す「ただす」ー To ascertain; to confirm; to verify
蘆荻「ろてき」ー Reeds
便船「びんせん」ー Available steamer (boat)
水楼「すいろう」ー Tower/castle facing the water (or a watchtower but not like a lighthouse)
「ろ」ー Japanese scull (the oar attached to the back of a boat)
「げん」ー Side of a boat; gunwale (also: 船端「ふなばた」)
「そう」ー Counter for small boats
「とま」ー Woven mat
耳環「みみわ」ー Non-pierced earring; helix

Character Kanji-Name List
for easy referencing later, because these will take some remembering

Hideyoshi: 豊臣秀吉「とよとみ ひでよし」// 豊太閤「ほうたいこう」

Volume I Characters
五郎大夫 「ごろ だゆう」// 祥瑞「しょうずい」(Goro’s Chinese name)
– Servant of Goro: 捨次郎「すてじろう」
– Mother of Goro’s child: 梨琴「りきん」
– Rikin’s & Goro’s child: 楊景福「ようけいふく」

Historical People
阿倍仲麻呂「あべ の なかまろ」ー Japanese scholar & poet (around 700AD)
白楽天「はく きょい」ー Late 700s Chinese poet (Bai Juyi / Bo Juyi) also known as: 白楽天「はく らくてん」in Japan.
道元「どうげん」(or 道元禅師「どうげん ぜんじ」ー Japanese Buddhist Priest, writer & poet (Early to mid 1200s) (also known as 栄西禅師「えいさい ぜんじ」)
空海「くうかい」ー The one and only Kukai or Kobo Daishi - a Buddhist monk. Posthumously given the title of: 弘法大師「こうぼう だいし」born as: 佐伯 眞魚「さえき の まお」(late 700s to early 800s)

@lucylavelle, happy birthday! :tada: :tada:
(same day as Hayao Miyazaki!)


January 5th

:snowman: Home post :snowflake:

Card Captor Sakura volume 5 – progress report
Yesterday: Finished chapter 20, continued up to page 112.
Today: Continued up to page 141, finished chapter 21.

The plot is slowly moving towards setting up the last trial by Yue. I thought that the trial would be at a later point in the series. But now that I think of it, I’m almost halfway in and I remember that the whole deal with Eriol once the trial is over also needs to be addressed, so never mind!

One more person whose birthday is in early January?! :astonished: Happy birthday to you, @lucylavelle, I hope you had a pleasant day! :tada:

Word or expression of the day:
判断 - (はんだん) - judgement, decision, conclusion; divination

Honourable mention(s):
棲む - (すむ) - to live (of animals), to inhabit, to nest


:snowflake: Day 5, 5h of January :snowflake:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

Today’s DrDru story was really mean, everyone asks the bakery owner if he has broccoli cupcakes, but when he has them they say it’s disgusting… So rude! Not sure why the story is called “Cucumber Tart” though?

The next story is a wall of text, which is rather jaring after all the other nicely formatted stories. It’s also just a description of the Lord or the Rings. I guess the one interesting thing here is the grammar? I haven’t gotten to read up on the te-form yet.