📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

January 16th-21st (Days 16-21) :snowflake: :cat2:

Home post :books:

I got a little lazy and then ill, and I didn’t even realize a week has passed since I’ve last made an update! Oh boi… Where did all that time go? :sob:

I’m not sure whether it’s just the illness, but I feel totally drained of both energy and enhusiasm - getting myself to read this week has been an absolute pain and a chore. It took a lot of self-convincing, but I read every day and slowly made my way through chapters 21-23 of チュベローズで待ってる AGE32. Ah…

Also, there are so many posts I now need to catch up with in this thread :sweat_smile: