📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:books: :snowflake: softlyraining’s snowy book stack :snowboarder: :open_book:

January 4th

:red_square: ラストで君は「まさか!」と言う 冬の物語 (28% → 32%)

Finished another story! This one, 「氷のジジイ」, is about a group of kids who walk through an empty lot on their way to school. They usually mess around a bit while they’re there. One of the kids, however, is afraid of the old man who lives next to it, while the other children aren’t terribly concerned. I thought this story might venture off into the spooky, but the author went for a more heartwarming ending. I think I mentioned this in the advent calendar thread, but because of the 3 minute limitation, these stories all run into the problem of needing to do a substantial bit of telling one way or another. I’m sure it’s not easy to write something amazing under this limitation. Still, there’s only been one spooky winter tale so far, so it was kind of a letdown that this wasn’t another.

Many birthday wishes to @Cathm2, @Hantsuki, @lucylavelle, and @nyxqueenofshadows! :tada: :birthday: