📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

Home post

My trip back home got the best of me! I read on the 15th and 16th which I’m documenting here, but did not get to read for five days after. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

2 月 15 日
コナの大冒険 第 44 話 :black_cat:

I read this on the evening of the 15th, but I got too busy packing for my trip to document it.

2 月 16 日
First Japanese Reader on Kindle “かさじぞう” :1234:

Read the first story on the plane. No furigana whatsoever but was fun to try to decipher. Also my first time reading any Japanese on a Kindle. I could easily check the meaning of certain words although it’s not 100% correct all the time. Oh and the book has the English translation and notes after each chapter, which was super useful. The story was titled “Kasajizou” about a couple who lived in poverty, but their kindness reaped them rewards. That reward being mochi!

2 月 22 日
コナの大冒険 第 45 話 :black_cat:

My first ever series on satorireader finished! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: YAYYYY! Kona made it back home safely! Thank god! What a lucky cat!

Vocabulary from today:

ふらつく to wander aimlessly
不思議 wonder, miracle, strange, mystery, curiosity this i know from Fushigi Yugi actually but first time to see the kanji for it!
何だか little, somewhat, somehow
悔しい vexing, annoying, frustrating, regrettable, mortifying
ふるさと home town, birthplace, native place, one’s old home what a coincidence since i just got back from home