📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

:tiger2: :books: Homepost - Tigerdate: 20220127 :books: :raccoon:

Tanuki Scroll XXVII: 中華まんレシピ :dumpling:

Today I succumbed to the urge and looked up a dumpling recipe. It’s a few days later from super dumpling day but that’s okay because dumplings are meant to be enjoyed all day, every day. :dumpling:

It seems this too, as with the mochi, leads to disappointment as I do not have the necessary equipment, I have neither a bamboo steamer, or a regular steamer… but this could be resolved if I were to buy one. Perhaps it is worth the investment, since bamboo steamer = unlimited dumplings, and unlimited dumplings = unlimited happiness :thinking:

Regardless there’s a lot of good words here, there’s a video too for listening practice and for making you hungry.

☆ Learnings ☆

Food Words

日清「にっしん」ー This is the company name: Nisshin. But it is also a historical term, meaning Japan and Qing (Dynasty) China.
薄力粉「はくりきこ」ー Pastry Flour / Cake Flour
「あん」ー Red Bean Paste; can also mean filling (for a dumpling eg) (I feel I really should have seen this before now)
白菜「はくさい」ー Napa Cabbage / Chinese Cabbage
しょうが「生姜」ー Ginger (the food) (Another word I’m sure I should have come across by now)
長ねぎ「ながねぎ」ー Spring Onion / Green Onion (uses 本 as counter)
ひき肉「ひきにく」ー Minced Meat
ごま油「ごまあぶら」ー Sesame Oil
大さじ「おおさじ」ー Tablespoon
小さじ「こさじ」ー Teaspoon
せいろ「蒸籠」ー Bamboo Steamer
蒸し器「むしき」ー Regular Steamer
まな板「まないた」ー Chopping Board
耳たぶ「みみたぶ」ー Earlobe
The recipe states: 耳たぶくらいの固さになるよう水分を調整してください, to make something as “hard as an earlobe” sounds a bit weird, but I guess it makes sense
こねる「捏ねる」ー To knead
下準備「したじゅんび」ー Preliminary arrangements; Preparation

Japanglish Words
ベーキングパウダー ー Baking Powder
ドライイースト ー Dry Yeast
ラード ー Lard
スケッパー ー Dough scraper
グルテン ー Gluten
ベンチタイム ー Bench time; Rest time; Take a break
クッキングシート ー Parchment Paper; Baking Paper

New Meanings
生地「きじ」ー Dough; batter (Only knew as cloth before)
下ろす「おろす」ー To grate, as in cheese (looking at the list, this word has a lot of meanings)
塗す「まぶす」ー To sprinkle with

So sorry to hear about this :crying_cat_face:

These are really pretty!! I love the white & gold one!