📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

I wasn’t planning on participating in these challenge threads quite yet, but I realized I have a daily checkbox for reading in my planner, and I’ve been reading almost every day for months while trying to keep up with the 大海原と大海原 book club, and now I’m reading even more since I started a big translation project :sweat_smile:. So why not! At the very least, it’ll give me an idea of how often I manage to meet that daily goal.

Week 00
Week 01
Week 02
Week 03
Week 04
Week 05
Week 05
Week 06
Week 07
Week 08
Week 09

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

I probably won’t be posting much about my daily reading in this thread, though, since usually that kind of thing ends up in my study log.

I might also be trying to read some in Spanish, depending on how much time I have. We’ll see!

What I'm planning on reading:
  • 大海原と大海原 volume 2 will probably keep me occupied throughout January, since I’m behind on the book club and still have quite a few chapters left to go.
  • I’ve been translating the DDT Pro-Wrestling official recaps after each show, since their former translator just left the company, and the show recaps are now my best hope of being able to understand some of what the characters are saying. There’s about one show a week, and usually it takes me at least a few days to translate the recap for it, though for bigger shows, it takes longer. Because these translations are time-sensitive (I want to get the last one done before the next show whenever possible), this is my priority over other reading.
  • After I finish Wadanohara, I’m probably not going to start another manga until I become a more proficient reader, since I want to have enough energy to keep up with DDT. But I might try translating at least a few tweets on days when I don’t have anything else to work on. It’d be a good opportunity to do more intensive reading than I usually have time for.