πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 β˜ƒβ„

I finally have time to join one of these! :tada:

:books: :snowman_with_snow: Home Post :snowman_with_snow: :books:

Calendar / Heat Map

| jan :snowflake:| 月 | 火 | ζ°΄ | 木 | 金 | 土 | ζ—₯ |
|Week 52 | | | | | | :orange_square: |:yellow_square: |
|Week 1| :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: | :orange_square: | :orange_square: | :red_square: | :yellow_square: |
|Week 2| :orange_square: | :red_square: | :orange_square: | :orange_square: | :orange_square: | :red_square: | :orange_square: |
|Week 3| :yellow_square: | :orange_square: | :red_square: | :red_square: | :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: | :black_square_button: |
|Week 4| :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: |
|Week 5| :black_square_button: || | | | | |

| feb :cloud_with_snow:| 月 | 火 | ζ°΄ | 木 | 金 | 土 | ζ—₯ |
|Week 5 | | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :black_large_square: | :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: |:black_square_button: |
|Week 6| :black_square_button: | :black_square_button: | :orange_square: | :red_square: | :black_large_square: | :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: |
|Week 7| :red_square: | :yellow_square: | :orange_square: | :black_large_square: | :yellow_square: | :red_square: | :yellow_square: |
|Week 8| :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: | :yellow_square: | :black_large_square: | :yellow_square: | :black_large_square: | :yellow_square: |
|Week 9| :black_large_square: | | | | | | |
|β € | | | | | | | |


:white_large_square: not filled in yet :black_large_square: did not read anything
:black_square_button: did read but I have no idea how much, turns out I’m horrible at remembering to track things :see_no_evil:
:yellow_square: … a little :orange_square: … a fair amount :red_square: … a lot

Days completed: 53/59

  • improve :running_woman:
  • finish/continue some of the many things I’ve started/bought already, or decide that I’m not interested anymore. Either way: sort through the mess that’s my currently reading/tbr pile and don’t start a million things at once :grimacing:
On tracking

I think I’d like to keep track of how much I’m reading to an extend, but without too much detail. Just out of curiosity because I seem to have no good sense of how regularily I’m actually reading. I’ve tried tracking time or pages before but that apparently just stresses me out and makes something feel like a chore that isn’t one at all, so I’d rather not do that again (even though I sort of envy people who do that and then have cool stats at the end!)
During the first or second challenge someone here used a system where they just tracked if they read β€œa little” or β€œa lot” or something like that, roughly estimated without a timer - I really like that concept! I can’t for the life of me remember who that was, whoever you are, I hope it’s ok that I’m stealing your idea :pray:

Reading list (for now)

novels / light novels

  • εœ°ηƒζ˜ŸδΊΊ (book club! :books:)
  • NO. 6 volume 2 (I have maybe 20 pages left of vol. 1, I’m gonna be optimistic and assume I can still finish it this year)


  • Death Note Vol. 1 (book club! :notebook:)


  • Doreamon Story of Seasons :woman_farmer: :carrot:

+ maybe other stuff from my tbr/currently reading pile.

Things I actually read during the challenge

novels / light novels

  • εœ°ηƒζ˜ŸδΊΊ (20% - 51%) :alien:
  • orange (0% - 100%) :love_letter:
  • NO. 6 book #2 (0%-100%) :rat:
  • NO. 6 book #3 (0%- 28%) :mouse2:


  • Death Note volume #1 (some) :notebook:

I’ve followed the other two threads to an extend but this is the first time I’m joining in - looking forward to seeing what you’re all reading! :slightly_smiling_face: