📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 15 :snowflake: Home Post

I played more 999 today! It’s basically my entire brain right now, really any free time I have I’m like “zero escape??” so that’s fun :joy: I finished up the route from yesterday and started in on another one, so good progress all around.

999 things!

The Zero Lost ending didn’t mess around, the body count of that ending?? My god, so much went wrong in so many ways, and I still don’t have any real answers :joy: But I got credits?? That threw me a little, since I still have more endings to get, but :man_shrugging: it’s being a little coy:

I don’t know, is it? :eyes: I sure don’t think so, considering I’m still playing lmao.

Sometimes Zero Escape is just goofy (despite everything), 淳平(じゅんぺい) and (むらさき) were talking about taking the elevator to the bottom deck and (むらさき) was scared, and this time I picked the option to be like “oh it’s because you’ll be alone in an elevator with a guy right?” and that spurred just an absolute nightmare of a conversation with 淳平(じゅんぺい) misinterpreting everything (むらさき) said as sexual while she’s just genuinely scared of it being flooded, absolute hot mess of a miscommunication :joy:

I think at this point my best guess is that サンタ is ゼロ, he was unaccounted for in the last ending when ゼロ was talking and he would seem to have motive so :man_shrugging: that makes the black and white Santa conversation hit differently though, ouch

I wanna play more but alas I have work in the morning, so tomorrow it is :grin:

Cool words

()(ぞこ)ない - person who has escaped death
この()(およ)んで - at the last moment, this late in the game
命乞(いのちご)い - begging for one’s life (man you can tell it wasn’t messing around from these words huh)
(みち)(あやま)る - to be misguided, to be led on the wrong path
陰謀説(いんぼうせつ) - conspiracy theory