📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

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About a third of my way through Gal & Dinosaur and it is a treat. I had read the translation before and watched the anime, which was also very funny and great, but ultimately being able to read the manga in Japanese is a different experience altogether. The premise of the story is very simple, it’s about a gal and a dinosaur that went home with her after a party or something, who then decides to stick around. They bond quickly and everyday is fun. In terms of difficulty it is around the level of yotsuba, there’s maybe even less dialogue (dino doesn’t talk) and chapters are generally shorter. On the other hand it is also more colloquial with some (outdated) gal slang, so it might be more difficult to others. It is a fun read and good breather, has plenty of chapters left, so I can always decide if I want to read more or not on a given day.

To kinda compare the difference. I would be done reading a chapter in like 5 minutes, while I have also had manga take me at least a hour to read a chapter and really struggle. In the first case I don’t learn a lot, but I can have a lot of fun with and it is a good motivator. The latter is more challenging and where you can learn a lot more, but it also asks more of your time and energy. So I think I’ll pick something easier from time to time to remember why I’m doing this in the first place. It’s also not like it’s my sole source of reading, as I can also grab arceus and dive into that for a bit.

Volume 1 ch1-5

Anyway I thought I would share some more screenshots I took while reading it from my kindle. I had kinda skipped it in my last two updates. It’s kinda a pain to upload them from my tablet. Some vocab I had to look up were the two card games, 大富豪 and 神経衰弱, mentioned in the story.