📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

This… it me :caught_durtling: So I’ve decided to take a break from participating in the reading challenge. It’s already March 7th, so in a way I guess this is one week overdue, haha. Looking forward to the next one! :seedling:

:books: :books: End of Winter Reading Challenge :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

I’ve usually been reading in the evening after finishing up studying for the day (sometimes way too late at the expense of sleep time), but recently I’ve been reading in the morning before getting up. (Good for Japanese studies - not so good for my uni studies :caught_durtling: )

The books I’ve completed:
・かがみの孤城 (上)・5% →
・笑わない数学者・13% →
・本好きの下剋上 8・ 0% →

Books I’m still reading:
・かがみの孤城 (下)・33%
・薬屋のひとりごと 1 ・7%
・本好きの下剋上 9・30% (started March 2nd)

It’s hard to measure, but I feel like both my reading speed and stamina have increased. I’ve probably written that at the end of every challenge so far :joy: But it shows that reading a lot/frequently helps. During the :books::books: Autumn Challenge :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:, I set out to read TINY amounts each day, because I knew I couldn’t devote much time for reading, which is why I called it a TINY CHALLENGE. During that one I read one book, 1/4 of another book and two volumes of manga. This time I completed 3 books in two months. It might be a new record for me, considering I was busy with uni stuff this time too.

All in all, I’m pretty happy with my progress so far :eyes::sparkles: I even had a random moment where I could skim the text for a few pages, i.e. didn’t have to subvocalize and could still comprehend what was going on. One really gets used to seeing the same phrases that are being used over and over again throughout a series (Honzuki). I hope it wasn’t just a “fluke” or me misremembering how it actually went.

Tip for increased focus: Read out loud. It might be slower, but I feel like it is more engaging (less chance of random wandering of attention). And it’s fun! Whenever I come across an unknown word, I have no choice but to look it up or else I literally can’t read it. Takoboto dictionary app automatically saves all my lookups in its history folder (as long as I actually click on the word after looking it up), so that’s convenient for whenever I want to add them as lessons later for SRS-ing.

That’s all for now. Hope to see y’all again in the next one :durtle_the_explorer: