📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Yep, I also think this is a pretty steep learning curve! We’ve read 獣の奏者 (vol 1+2) here with a special-purpose book club, so you can find some discussions online, but I don’t think we made a vocab sheet for it, given the intermediate-level nature of the book. The book can be very dense at times (especially in the world-building parts) but I loved reading it. On the other hand I can see that it can be very overwhelming if you don’t have much reading experience. In that case, I can recommend you read 狐笛のかなた (Koteki no Kanata) Home Thread first; same author and same genre (fantasy) but easier to read (plus it’s only one standalone book, so you can get a level of achievement faster).