📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

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Day 1 - 3 log
Only been reading yotsubato so far

  • Day 1 - pages 3 to 17 - 6 cards added
  • Day 2 - pages 17 to 29 - 4 cards added
  • Day 3 - pages 29 to 50 - 5 cards added (first chapter finished)

I’ve really been wanting to get the most out of yotsubato this time as previously I always read it in a more extensive reading sort of way rather then an intensive one. So now that I’m back learning again I’ve decided to fix that so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on easy to learn vocabulary.

I’m doing this by putting words (with context sentences) in to my anki so I’m taking a bit longer to read things then i normally would. But plus side is, is that there are words that I swear where not there before! :sweat_smile:

I’m hoping I get to a volume I haven’t read before (by or before the end of the month) so things get a bit more interesting.

Anyway that’s all for the update. Hope everyone’s reading is going well!