πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 β˜ƒβ„

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Thanks for everyones reassurances on 時をかける少ε₯³ haha :smiley: I’m glad I’m not the only one with the impression :wink:

I caught up with the Book Club for γƒ‡γ‚ΉγƒŽγƒΌγƒˆ today! I actually thought I was still a chapter behind but I just checked and apparently I finished this weeks task! Tbh I’m just ignoring a lot of stuff I don’t fully get (which is way more than in 時をかける少ε₯³) else catching up would have taken much longer. But especially the whole police language stuff feels like this is not something I currently really want to learn, so whatever. :sheep: :person_shrugging:

But I’m somewhat relieved to be reading something else tomorrow :sweat_drops: It’s probably going to be another kid’s book. I’m getting more comfy with those, but I’m still learning a ton, so that’s just fine! :heart: