📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary Post

February 10

  1. 【動画】すし店が自動販売機で売るものは? コロナ禍で進化も
  2. 「焼き肉の自販機」お目見え “焼き肉の街”をPR 長野 飯田
  3. ロボット内蔵ソファー 「ロボ家具」ネットで話題に 福岡 大川

Again news reading day. I’m actually enjoying this more than I thought I would xD

Article one was about commerces starting to use vending machines to sell their goods because of corona. It was a very short article, but it comes with a pretty cool 5 minute video. Apparently half of Japan’s vending machines are made in Mie prefecture, that’s crazy.

Article two was again about vending machines, but this time in Iida city in Nagano prefecture, where they’re using them to sell different kinds of 焼き肉 that people can take home and cook. It mentioned that the vendors cook the meat close to the vending machines to promote it. You walk by, smell the nice thing, and then spot the awesome vending machine selling it. Of course.

Article three was about a robotic sofa that can move in all directions with a controller. It was made in Fukuoka prefecture by about 200 furniture makers from the city of Okawa (which is apparently very famous for its furniture) in cooperation with robot makers from the city of Fukuoka. The video shows how it moves, it’s pretty cool. Not on sale yet, sorry guys. The guy chilling is also not included.