📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

September 10th!

I did a lot of reading today!
First I read the first chapter of Volume 5 of Happiness. It was quite light on text so I read it pretty quickly abd decided to read something else too.
So I also read the next chapter of Yoru Cafe, which ended up taking me almost two hours - though that was partly because I had a few interruptions.

(Home Post)


:cake: :books: September 10 :books: :cake:
(home post)

夜カフェ :cake: chapter 4-5, so 30 pages

Well there we go. Spent some serious time reading today. I’m fully caught up with the 夜カフェ book club. I think there is only one more chapter than a break, which will be good because I have more catch up to do.

Although next will be to read week one of BBC’s new manga 耳をすませば. That way I can guilt free, start catch up of the clubs I am behind (basically, I want to get current with as many as possible as soon as possible, so I’m going from shortest-ish needed time commitment to catch up, to longest). After that, reading all of Orange volume 2 to catch up there. Volume 3 starts next weekend.

Lastly, I have 5 chapters of Loopers to catch up on, but at least the current chapter is probably getting lengthened to two weeks. Meaning I might be able to catch up… well either with this current chapter but more likely the one after.

Very specific schedule for sure. And when I finish Orange volume 2, new weeks will probably have started or be about to start for all my book clubs, so I’ll prioritize reading those first and then continue with catch up. ^^

Bit by bit I will get it done. I’ve only been talking about this for the past few weeks. (Sometimes you just need to gear up for something for a long time, amiright?)



I finished HQ vol 22 and the first chapter of vol 23. 200 chapters down! I completely forgot about Yaku getting hurt until Lev turned around to happily show off to him after his successful spike. Ugh, first Daichi, then Tsukki, and now Yaku. Why do you keep doing this to me, Furudate-sensei. (No, but Tsukki going back into the game after having his pinky wrenched hard enough that the skin tore and it bled?? Babe, you need to be taking pain meds and resting, not finishing the match, even if y’all are in the latter half of the final set when you get back.)

Okay I remember not liking Nohebi from the anime, and yeah that definitely hasn’t changed. But I like Kuguri so far, though granted there hasn’t been any focus on him yet since before the match. And I find it ironic that the character whose name sounds similar to 拾う, Nohebi’s 広尾, is a middle blocker, when they mainly don’t participate in receives lol. (I like him so far too, or at least I don’t dislike him. But we’ll see if my impression of either of them changes as the match wears on.)

Some vocab of note:

背水の陣 (はいすいのじん) [expression] fighting with one’s back to the wall; last stand
差出人 (さしだしにん) [noun] sender (e.g. of mail)
脱臼 (だっきゅう) [noun, する verb] dislocation. I scrolled through the compounds 臼 is used in and this is literally the only one where I can’t see how “mortar” applies.
轢く (ひく) [他カ五] to run over (as with a vehicle); to knock down
しくじる [自ラ五] to fail; to blunder; to mess up; to screw up
かぶる [他ラ五] to be similar. This is the same かぶる as 被る, “to wear (on one’s head).”
全身全霊 (ぜんしんぜんれい) [四字熟語, noun] complete devotion; body and soul; one’s best
面倒見がいい (めんどうみがいい) [expression, よい adj.] very caring; kind; helpful; service-minded


September 10 :blossom: Home Post

Bare minimum kinda day unfortunately, just snuck a bit of 跡を消す before bed. I wanna pick up stein’s;gate again, I think getting sucked into another VN is what I need :joy:


:butterfly: Home :butterfly:

岸辺露伴(きしべろはん)(うご)かない 1

59 - 60

Hey same story as yesterday- I was tired as shit. Wake me up when September ends


Sep 11, Sun of Week 11 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

I finished Happiness Vol.5 in about an hour. I didn’t look up much, even if I didn’t restrict myself from looking up in a dictionary. I simply don’t need to.

The suspense is nice, but I don’t feel I need to continue too further than the club, for now.

Finished reading HUNTER x HUNTER Vol.5 just now, and kept confusing カギ (with ガキ). It’s a little further than my current anime watching.


I had a similar thing when reading kindaichi. Tbf they used both in the text quickly after another.


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Falling Leaf Party: Date 20220911 :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:

吾輩は狸である progress: 22.38% :raccoon:

Found a tanuki in the wild:

:chestnut: Japanese found within the acorns :chestnut:


譫語「せんご」ー Talking in a delirium
千鳥「ちどり」ー Plover (bird)


September 11th

Today I read the next chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san and then finished Volume 4 of Mitsuboshi Colors.
Both were cute, but Mitsuboshi Colors was especially funny this week. I kept laughing every few panels and distracting my husband :grin:

(Home Post)


Home post :bookmark: September :books:

Sep 9: Spice & Wolf (16 → 17%)
Sep 10: Spice & Wolf (17 → 18%)
Sep 11: Spice & Wolf (18 → 20%) + Loopers part 9 of youtube playlist

So I finished week 2 of spicy wolf book club :eyes: Now I can check out thread :3
(I might have yet to check out Honzuki thread since I finished book 10? :thinking: )


September 9-11 :heavy_check_mark: :ocean:

Tugumi, chapters 11 and 12 (completed :tada:)
Grammar :いうまでもない, 以下、以外, いかなる

Finished Tugumi. I have mixed feelings about it. I sort of expected the ending, but it didn’t satisfy me (although I’m not sure what would). I did enjoy the journey, though. Some of the narrator’s descriptions felt as if they were taken from my own memories, some of her observations seemed like my own thoughts. I read Kitchen so many years ago, I remember nothing at all from the plot (there was a beach scene I think? That’s as far as my memory goes). What I do remember, however, was that again, even if I had little in common with the characters or their circumstances, they felt as intimately familiar as Maria did in this book. There’s something about the way Yoshimoto writes that just resonates with me, I suppose. Still, the book as a whole felt a little underwhelming - and included a chapter I would prefer not to have read, even though it was important to the plot. But that’s neither here nor there, and has more to do with my own sensitivities.


:heartbeat: :books: September 11 :books: :heartbeat:
(home post)

耳をすませば :heartbeat: page 0 → 30 (30 pages)

When in doubt, start a new book? BBC just started a new manga that I planned to read along with, as I mentioned yesterday. I think this is probably the easiest read I’ve had in a while/ever. Less than 1 look up per page, actually probably only one lookup every few pages. I don’t think I’ve read anything this easy.

That was surprising and nice. I look forward to having that easy read every week from now. Hopefully, it doesn’t have a difficulty spike later. I quite enjoyed being able to only look something up every so often. 夜カフェ would probably fall close to this low difficulty if it had less onomatopoeia that really helps give life to the text. But alas it does not.

So I think the difficulty of the clubs I’m in go 耳をすませば → 夜カフェ → Orange → ルーパーズ. Although emotionally Orange is definitely the one pulling the heartstrings the strongest and the most often.


:spiral_calendar: Day 72: September 10th :volleyball: :sun_with_face:

spacer:sparkles: キラキラ100% Volume 3 (95% ➨ 100%)

spacer:plunger: スーパーマリオくん Volume 1 (74% ➨ 79%)

I’ve reached my 2021 number of manga volumes read (62 volumes) as I’ve completed my 62nd volume for this year. However, five of those from last year were omnibus (300 to 350 pages) releases, and some of this year’s were short volumes (around 140 to 150 pages), so if I tracked by page count I’d probably find I’m not there just yet.


:butterfly: Home :butterfly:

岸辺露伴(きしべろはん)(うご)かない 1

61 - 122

Read much more this time. There’s something I love about Rohan’s asshole energy. “Woe is me, I had to sell off my possessions, even my Sailor Moon figs. I don’t have a place to work or even a desk, I’m staying at a high schooler’s house.” (don’t feel bad for him, there are minimal steps he could have taken to prevent this, including accepting help.) “All I have is a mountain and people are offering money to develop it into a resort (or build a road to it, I can’t quite tell).” Editor: “you only have a mountain that you bought for investment and you won’t sell it?” Rohan: “yes.” Confusion shows on editor’s face. Rohan: “Oi oi oi oi” What an obnoxious jerk.

This is probably one of my favorite Rohan spinoff stories, but I like the ideas in most of them. The beginning was a bit tedious to read (I blame Rohan), but it’s otherwise a much smoother and pleasant read than The Confessional.

I’m looking forward to the next story because it has Izumi as Rohan’s editor and whatever her flaws, I adore her. The last story left in volume 1 is the only one in this volume that hasn’t been animated or made into a live action. It’s about Rohan and Tonio fishing. I want to finish both stories today, but we’ll see how it goes.


It was a busy weekend so I didn’t make much of a dent in Spy Room, but before bed I read the prologue of 無職転生, the first 8 volumes are free on Kindle Unlimited. I needed something to read on my phone because I can’t always take out my physical books. So while I normally don’t like juggling books, this seems to be the way things need to be for the time being. Spy Room has been fun but I feel I don’t have a firm grasp of whats happening at any given time, there will be big gaps in the pages that indicate a scene change, however its not always clear to me how the scene is changing. Are we in a new place? Conversation? Event?

Generally, I am just kind of reading through it and not putting too much care into it as I can’t look up words as easily as Kindle (reader/app). Its become more or less just a test of my knowledge without any aides. I liked the 無職転生 anime, so I am interested to read it. Now that I know what to expect pacing wise for a LN vs Anime, I am more open to just reading and not feeling like “OH I could get this out of the way by watching the anime.” Which did happen with 青ブタ because the anime legit covers everything in the span of 2 or 3 episodes, it just didn’t make sense to read after the first couple volumes.

That being said in my time where I can’t read, I am listening to the audio books for the 青ブタ books I skipped on Audible to see what I can catch on my walks home. Once I get more reading from 無職転生 done I can start the audiobook for that too. I wish the series came in Bunko size because that particular publisher makes their books huge, so as much as I’d like to own that and Shield Hero, theres just no room on my shelf. They’re also expensive. Its like twice the price for the same amount of content, just in bigger font and format. But that’s a tangent for another time.

TL;DR Did I read over the weekend? Yes. Was it enough? No. Will I make up for it throughout the week? Probably.



I don’t know if I actually managed to nap or not (be nice if I was able to, but I can’t tell), but I did lie in bed with my eyes closed for a few hours today after work because I’m exhausted, both physically and sleepy-wise. I did still read some though, not just because I want to read every day, but also because I really wanna know what happens next in HQ!

I finished vol 23. For once, we don’t end a volume in the middle of a match! やっぱ、戸美(のへび)が大嫌い。 I was happy to get back to Karasuno for a chapter at the end. Also, I’m dying, the 体育祭の番外編 is hilarious asdfghjkl And the prince of the tennis club is named 王子山 英雄. I don’t think sensei even went that hard with the naming of any of the main-series characters.

I also picked up おうちでごはん and read the first chapter, which is even less than it sounds like because each chapter is only 8 pgs long. The first volume has 17. Still slightly annoyed by the “zero furigana, even on names” thing. I have no idea how to read 米田. Is it こめた? こめだ? Something else? 鴨川 too I’m not sure if the 川 rendakus or not. (I’m leaning toward yes, but no doesn’t feel wrong either?) Anyway, I haven’t gotten past what Bookwalker has as a preview for it yet, as that goes into (or finishes at the end of?) ch 2.

Some vocab of note:

ぶっつけ本番 (ぶっつけほんばん) [noun, の-adj.] performing without rehearsal
闇雲 (やみくも) [noun, な-adj.] reckless; at random; haphazard; blind; sudden; abrupt. Not what I woulda guessed lol
思いがけない (おもいがけない) [い-adj.] unexpected; contrary to expectations; by chance; casual
団栗の背比べ (どんぐりのせいくらべ) [expression, noun] having very little difference between one another; being more or less the same; height comparison among acorns. pointless competition between two equally unimpressive parties; pissing contest.


September 11 :blossom: Home Post

I continue to be busy with other things, but got in a bit of 跡を消す anyway! The ongoing state of things I suppose :man_shrugging: Regardless, I’m still getting something every day so I’ll take that as a victory.


:spiral_calendar: Day 73: September 11th :leaves: :shaved_ice:

spacer:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス Volume 1 (0% ➨ 15%)
spacer:chipmunk: ヒビキのマホウ Volume 1 (31% ➨ 41%)
spacer:plunger: スーパーマリオくん Volume 1 (79% ➨ 89%)

Although I’m trying to read through some of the series I don’t touch as much, I figure I’ve made enough progress to add ななか into the rotation.

spacer :eyeglasses: ななか 6⁄17 (1) Volume 1 (0% ➨ 25%)


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Falling Leaf Party: Date 20220912 :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:

吾輩は狸である progress: 23.27% :speech_balloon:

It’s quite hard keeping up with who is saying what when there’s more than two talking.

:chestnut: Japanese found within the acorns :chestnut:


口気「こうき」ー Bad breath; intimation
猫背「ねこぜ」ー Bent back; stoop
讒訴「ざんそ」ー False charges; slander
丁髷「ちょんまげ」ー Topknot (traditional haircut, like samurai had)
永年「ながねん」ー Long time; many years (also: 長年)


September 12th!

Today I started reading 耳をすませば with the BBC. Not a huge amount has happened so far, since we are only reading half of Chapter 1 this week but I’m definitely interested in the concept.

(Home Post)