📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2021 🏖🏖

I get the impression that if I just scroll over it, I will immediately forget about the grammar points I find in the wild. And delving deeper into sentences makes me realize my initial translation is wrong occasionally. Maybe I should stop writing down those translations though, you might be right.


Well, you are a late potato after all :sweat_smile:
But don’t worry, it’s never too late to join the studying! Best of luck to you!


Oh, I think you’re more than welcome to post about Demon Slayer here if you’re both reading it!


Really, then that’s awesome!

@anon12500920 looks like there’s no problem in posting our queries here, we’ll also have the benefit of other people helping us out if we have a problem.


Oh okay, I’ll wait until November then…

Jokes aside, this is a cool idea! I’ll join all of you in a few days, when I’m a lot less busy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It’s on temporary pause at the moment, but before I was reading one or two pages of Kiki a day, as well as one chapter of からかい上手の高木さん over the week with the bookclub. I intend to continue that (and maybe increase my speed, if I’m able to).


Can anyone tell me the meaning of what Tanjiro says in the last panel’s first dialogue?



Well, I’m probably wrong, but I’d roughly translate



In my house there is another scent that I’ve never smelled before. The one who killed everyone must be that dude (who smells that way).

As I understand, he is trying to convince that demon hunter that his sister is innocent.


I wonder if the first bubble is two sentences - 俺の家にはもう一つ。嗅いだことのない誰かの匂いがした。 There was (some object) in my house. It smells like someone I’ve never smelt before.


Yeah, you’re probably right :sweat_smile:

I think it’s probably just one sentence (just because it makes a lot more sense that way, at least the way I understand it, especially in context)


:ballot_box_with_check:Day 1
Read aloud from 上級レベルのとびら textbook, Chapter 9!

:ballot_box_with_check: Day 2
Read ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂、chapter 6.

Things I learned in reading:

百年早い = Implies, “Dont get ahead of yourself.” Often used by superiors trying to put subordinates in their place.
血の気が引く = to go pale (from fear or shock).


That sounds interesting. Too bad my vacation starts in a month and lasts two weeks, so for now I’ll yukkuri shiteitte ne for now. Speaking of yukkuri, I’ll probably go for another minecraft LP, which will help with reading stylized fonts as well.

As I’m on work, I didn’t watch beyond intro yet, but so far the episode was easy to understand, production quality was there(and my listening Japanese is garbage, so it’s clearly will be more reading than listening).

Step 0: choose the material


Great free Japanese digital library: Aozora Bunko 青空文庫 : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive


Oh, I understand, thank you! :high_touch:

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It seems to be fun so I will join the challenge. I only managed to read a text in the reading part of the second genki book and some lines in the game ソウルサクリファイス デルタ.



アポカリプスの砦 vol.1
あさこ vol. 1
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 1
聲の形 vol. 1
マジャン ~畏村奇聞 vol. 1
レンタルおにいちゃん vol. 1
それでも歩は寄せてくる vol.1


I read 50 pages of 天冥の標2 yesterday and another 50 today.
It feels pretty slow compared to my usual pace, but I was busy yesterday, thought I would catch up today but ended up bumping against a chapter that completely destroyed my suspension of disbelief.

A computer program encoding a super AI was encoded into DNA and inserted into the genome of sheep thousands of year ago, so that, once sequenced and open by accident by the wrong program on a modern day computer it would stealthily take control of said computer before spreading itself through Internet? Like… how does that even work. What program would execute a series of ATCGs? … time to go to bed I guess.


Well, it’s like how in many Sci-Fi movies all computers are always compatible, regardless of which planet they come from :sweat_smile:
When I come to something that’s very hard to imagine ever happening in reality, I just keep reading further. Because no matter how improbable / impossible X is, you can always say “Yes, X is most likely false, but let’s just assume it’s true and keep moving forward”


Ahh, I wanna participate but I probably won’t succeed sad face


But if it has no coherence, it loses meaning… I’m not even sure why that chapter was a thing. Anyway, next time I’ll try to open a fasta file (format for biological sequences) in Gimp and see if my computer is suddenly into world domination.


Give it a try! You can set a small goal like reading one NHK Easy News article or something else you’re interested in that doesn’t take much energy. Even if in the end you are ultimately unable to do 100% of the days, any percentage is still a win over a 0% :wink: .