📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

Today I kept up my streak (4 days) of reading both from Satori - 2 episodes ジャム屋さん Jam Maker, and a few pages of my second grade biographies book, I’m at マリ・キュリー Marie Curie. It’s obviously baby steps, but feels like lightspeed progress compared to the last several years. At the time when I started Jam Maker I was reading so slowly I didn’t think I would catch up with the release schedule, but now I figured out if I keep going like this I will in 2 weeks (and from them on I’ll have to wait 1 week for each new episode). That will correspond nicely with the start of the next ABBC book club (this weekend?).

celebration definitely in order!


May 9, Tue of Week 7 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

  • うたわれるもの

  • 暁のヨナ Vol.2 Ch.8-11 (end vol)

Words of the day
  • のうのう(.) = (on-mim) free from care; free from worries
  • ヘロヘロ(.) = (on-mim) completely exhausted
  • こてんこてん(.) = (on-mim) completely beaten
  • さすらい = wandering. Kanji form is 流離(さすら)い and the verb form 流離(さすら)う.
  • 見離(みはな)す = to abandon. Probably same as 見放(みはな)す.
  • ねじ()せる = to make someone surrender = ()()せる
  • ()(とお)る = to force one’s way through
  • (とお)りすがり = passing by (adj-no); passerby
  • 腕立(うでた)て = push-up (exercise)
  • 腹筋(ふっきん) = sit-up (exercise)
  • 保護者(ほごしゃ) = guardian (like a parent). Vocabulary probably has same logic as English.
  • 緩衝(かんしょう) = acting as a buffer
  • 嫡子(ちゃくし) = legitimate child
  • 戴冠式(たいかんしき) = coronation ceremony. First Kanji’s reading タイ is also in 頂戴(ちょうだい).
  • 絶壁(ぜっぺき) = precipitous cliff
  • 大逆(たいぎゃく) = high treason
  • 非力(ひりき) = powerless
  • 弾圧(だんあつ) = coercion; putting pressure on; oppression
  • 不条理(ふじょうり) = absurd; irrational. Probably like 不合理(ふごうり) and 理不尽(りふじん).
  • 鼓舞(こぶ) = encouragement
  • 蠱毒(こどく) = poisoning someone. Has Furigana, and is part of a character naming a tactics.
  • 変幻自在(へんげんじざい) = capable of ever-changing appearance
  • 隘路(あいろ) = a bottleneck / an impasse. Has Furigana.

Home post

:sunrise: 暁のヨナ vol. 1 (p. 29 - p. 102)
Second part of chapter 1: ~27 minutes
=> The whole first chapter: ~53 minutes for 58 pages
Chapter 2: ~56 minutes (40 pages)
Yeah, this mirrors my feeling, that this manga is (slightly) more difficult than the other ones I am currently reading. I have to look up way more, which of course takes some time.


:bookmark: Home post // May 9 :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

・薬屋のひとりごと 6 (56% → 65%)

Here’s an expression: (かぜ)()(まわ)し. It means “stroke of luck”, “curious turn of events”. Just the ()(まわ)し means “the direction of the wind” or “circumstances”.

To me, it superficially looks like it could mean something like “the wind is blowing around”, but it seems like the phrase is often used to express disbelief as a reaction to someone being lucky. It’s fun how phrases can have a different meaning from what they literally would mean.


May 8
I read five pages of Vampire Hunter D and some pages in manga magazines. I didn’t play a game in japanese for a long time I should maybe play something tomorrow.

7978 pages read


May 9th!

I started reading ロジカとラッカセイ with the BBC today.
The first chapter was very cute, and gave me some strong Adventure Time vibes, so I’m looking forward to reading more next week. :slight_smile:

(Home Post)





:seedling: :blossom: 5月9日 :blossom: :seedling: (Home Post Link)


  • aDoBJG - が
  • はちゅねミクの日常 - forgot what page i left off on, but did around 20 pages i think, did two little collections of strips (are 4koma strips? anyways), one was about 花見 and one was doing a VRRPG (can you tell when this was made :laughing: ). Actually quite a bit of slang I’m not familiar with, I’m guessing it’s kinda internet-speak type stuff considering the target audience for a vocaloid manga (also i see some "w"s and stuff in the background dialogue sometimes)

I do kinda want to finish the volumes of blue spring ride, but my overall goal for the year is to finish all the physical manga I have, and haven’t really done any of that this month. Chip away at it a little bit

Been slacking on the words lately, but I did find a really good one today:

闇鍋(やみなべ)ー stew prepared from ingredients contributed by members of a party, and eaten in the dark for fun

:tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: congrats! huge milestone


May 9th:

  • played Lost Sphear for 25 min, again reading right before sleep so the concentration isn’t that high

But that’s ok. Good thing I’m keeping the habit




Played a bit of book-club catch-up today. Still wayyy behind on Tatami Galaxy, though.

  • preview of ギンモクセイの仕立て屋. It seems good, though honestly I would buy it just for Gin-san (the cat). She’s adorable.
  • ch 9-10 of 夜カフェ, which was about 26 pages of text
  • 6 pages of 四畳半神話大系, leaving off on pg 105

After finishing last week’s レベル7 reading late I decided to get an early start on this week’s reading. I managed to do all but the last 10 pages in one sitting - my brain is shot. I don’t really know why, as I feel like I could pick up another book and read it, but continuing this book anymore tonight my brain is rebelling against. :person_shrugging: Good book, though!

Congrats! :tada:


:sunflower:May 8:sunflower:
|||||Home Post|||||

:white_flower:日本語基本文法辞典・pg. 116-117
Skimmed through this week’s reading and then read the へ entry.
Started going over the transcript for a video on YouTube but decided to take a nap and slept through the night instead. Oops :sweat_smile:

:rose:May 9:rose:
:white_flower:日本語基本文法辞典・pg. 116-120
Re-read some of what I read yesterday plus a bit more.

:tv:25 Minutes of Intermediate Japanese Listening Comprehension with もしもしゆうすけ
Read some more of the transcript for this conversation from Sayuri Saying’s Youtube channel.


10th may

home post

middle section of case five done! i was right, this part was definitely shorter, but also lots of reveals and stuff so less gameplay and more reading. do these people ever sleep??? edgeworth is on his second all-nighter in a row :joy:

words that stood out: 押収(おうしゅう) (seizure, confiscation), けじめ (distinction e.g. between right and wrong) as part of the phrase けじめをつける which can also mean to take clear responsibility for something, and 紙幣(しへい) (paper money) which is a wk word, but it was so difficult to make out that second kanji in pixel font

congrats!! to many more! :clinking_glasses:


Thanks ya’ll! So happy I got to share my fav milestone here :bowing_man:t5:

10/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

just finished reading the first chapter for the ロジカとラッカセイ book club this week. I really liked the vibes of the first chapter. Right now it’s not too overwhelming, and I’m super curious about the story, so I’m definitely going to keep reading for a while. I saw some reviews that said to go in blindly and give it a try, and and those kinds of reviews really hype me up lol


10 May

告白 20% - 22% (6 pg)

Might have to read again tomorrow. I’ve lost track of a few details. Other than that though, the pages I read today were fairly straightforward in terms of language.


Maybe this could help? @MaraVos


hello world?


Yesterday: I read page 6 (the first page) of 本好き! (I have the edition with full furigana, which makes it very doable.) Doing that made me feel pretty good. Then I read two-thirds of a chapter of Nozaki-kun, which still feels pretty difficult. I was hoping it would get easier faster than this. :sweat_smile:

(Then before bed I read a chapter and a half of Shirokuma Cafe.)


:sweat_smile: Somehow this does make me feel better, so thank you. :slight_smile:

The beginning of Mary Poppins is a perfect example of this! The children’s nanny quit and they can’t find a good replacement. All of a sudden the wind changes direction and starts blowing really hard, and a few moments later a practically perfect in every way governess drifts in, dangling from an umbrella! :joy:


You fixed it!!!

