📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

June 6

Glad Nationaldag till alla oss svenskar här! :sweden: (Okej, det där kändes skumt att säga. :sweat_smile:)

Read the second short story, Casablanca Memory, at the end of Sailor Moon 4 (kanzenban edition). (If you wonder why I mention the edition every time I say this, is because the short stories are in different places in each edition…) So nice to spend more quality time with just one character. Learning more about their life and such. More of this please!

This also means I finished volume 4. And I’m between story arcs. I want to probably finish Yotsuba& 2 next, and then…? I don’t know what I wanna read next. I’m a bit hype about Sailor Moon right now, but there is also a lot of series left there (I’ve finished 40%). Tackling Orange would take less time despite being same number of volumes (page counts per volume differ). Also a bit tempted with Zenitendou since so many recommended that to me.

When too many good things are a problem… :sweat_smile:


Jun 6, Mon :cherry_blossom: calendar post

Week 11 of Spring 2022’s planning

  • Committed, and paced - for the sake of discussion
    • Night Cafe :shrimp: Ch.8 I still can’t promise this one.
      • And Ch.9 has started – should I catch up?
      • I would consider a chapter of other fictions (or non-fictions) as an alternative as well; but catching up and discussing is the best.
  • Committed, with マイペース(my=pace)
    • JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Part 2 vol.3 – from first Chapter to the end of AC/DC
      • And also probably Stroheim’s return arc
      • Of course, the reason I know what to expect, is because I have skimmed a little ahead.
    • Watch 2 episodes of Death Note
      • My listening is still シッティー(shitty), but I’ll see what I can do.
      • I wouldn’t want to turn on subtitles, even if I can. However, downloading subtitles and comparing with hearing isn’t out of question.
    • 1/4 of WaniKani Context Sentences - Level 2’s Breakdown = 20 vocab, 60 sentences
    • Read up on Japanese grammar on Wikipedia.
  • Considered
    • 1+ episode of something else. Probably anime because of confirmed subtitle.
    • Gaming - mobile (Android)? PC (Windows)? I’ll see what I can find…

Yesterday I read 8 pages of 霧島くんは普通じゃない and finished chapter three! (The days before that I could only read a few pages a day, so it felt good to read more.) I guess I conveniently forgot that it takes a while to adjust to the way a new-to-you author writes. Still enjoying the story! Miu has an innate curiosity about everything (especially 不思議なこと) that makes me really like her. In the last chapter, a mysterious small black weasel-like creature appeared on the school grounds, and Miu is now going to investigate. Maybe I can read the whole 4th chapter today! I’m going to give it a go at least.

I’m enjoying the after-challenge-party here with you all! I wasn’t really planning on writing an end of challenge summary, but now I’m thinking it would be nice to at least look back and see where I was at the beginning of the challenge. I probably made more progress than I remember making. :joy:


I reckon you can catch up still. How far have you got through chapter 8? The first page was a bit of a slog but it’s gets better with a bit more character development beginning.


:tiger2: :books: The June Tanuki Den: Date 20220606 :cherry_blossom: :raccoon:

No Longer Tanuki Progress: 0.08%

Longest sentence so far: 189 words.

Also first time finding a wild 鰐!

:seedling: Japanese found in the tall grass :seedling:


プラクテカル ー Practical
凄惨「せいさん」ー Ghastly; gruesome; appalling
発狂 「はっきょう」ー Craziness; lunacy
論じる「ろんじる」ー To discuss; to talk about
エゴイスト ー Egoist; selfish person
ぐっすり ー (sleeping) soundly / fast asleep
道化「どうけ」ー Buffoonery; antics; clowning around; clown or jester
求愛「きゅうあい」ー Courting; making advances (toward someone)
絶えず「たえず」ー Constantly; always
危機一髪「ききいっぱつ」ー Close call; by a hair/thread; critical moment
気まずい「気まずい」ー Awkward; unpleasant; embarrassing
肉親「にくしん」ー Blood relative (MEAT INTIMACY)
口応え「くちごたえ」ー Retort; talk back. (More common to see as: 口答え)
霹靂「へきれき」ー Thunderclap; thunder
万世一系「ばんせいいっけい」ー Unbroken imperial (blood)line/lineage
言い争い「いいあらそい」ー Quarrel/argument
草原「そうげん」ー Grassy field; grassland; meadow
ピシッと ー With a crack or snap (like a whip)
逆立つ「さくだつ」ー To stand on end (like hair)
言動「げんどう」ー Speech and conduct; words and deeds (feel that I know this but no idea from where)
懊悩「おうのう」ー Anguish; trouble; agony (I like how it’s like saying “oh no!”)

Questionable Word
ナアヴァスネス ー Nervousness. Had to google this and seems that it even has some Japanese people confused (there’s very few results and most of them seem to be about No Longer Human).
神経質「しんけいしつ」is the Japanese word for nervousness.

New Forms
「わざわい」ー Calamity; misfortune; evil. Another way of writing: 災い. Can also be written as: 殃.


Main Post

Finished volume 9 of Spy x Family yesterday, it’s great. Where it ends is very close to where the manga is at the moment. Probably my favorite chapter is the one where becky meets loid, got some pictures of that as well as something from volume 8.

volume 8 + 9

I thought it was quite natural to start reading the Spy x Family novelization. Different author, same characters and bunch of short stories. Looking at the length of each chapter, I’ll probably not be able to read a chapter per day, but that’s alright. As we’re setting up camp next weekend, I also downloaded some manga to go along with it on my kindle app.

Oh, according to bookmeter I reached 10k pages read. So we reached another milestone. One of my personal goals was to read 50 volumes of manga and it would be nice to reach the halfway mark next month.


June 6th!

Chapter 66 of Yotsuba today. It was an unusually short chapter, but still managed to have plenty of cute bits :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


Summary post :bookmark:

June 6th :seedling:

・ かがみの孤城 下 (30% → 45%)

(I’m traveling :station: Lots of time for reading)


Read a lot less today, but it’s one of those days where life is making it hard to focus. Guess hanging in there is a victory itself.

One thing that amused quite a bit is I was looking into a certain use of とてもじゃない and on a site that is describing what I believe is this grammar point, they have labelled it “N0.” I’ve ascended!

Otherwise, a few minor complaints about my current circumstances. Just observations, nothing to get TOO worked up in, but:

I’m starting to do pretty badly on Anki, and I have a feeling a big part of that is less my fault, and more that I exhausted the words I regularly see a while back and at this point I’m grabbing the Summer Pockets words (and even new kanji) that don’t show up much. It’s fine… I don’t care at the moment to go through the effort of searching for frequency, it’s just kind of a natural thing when I’ve been reading something for so long. Ready to start a new VN for the sake of new core vocab to learn better from.

I’m also having a little bit of a mediocre time with the beginning of the true route, cause without spoilers at the moment it’s… a little like starting the game over, but different. It’s not really a reread and I am curious about where it’s going, but at a slow speed, especially with me even slower today, it’s hard to maintain enough interest in this exact moment. I’m sure at anything resembling native speed this would be flying by, but y’know.

Anyway, I’m reading every day. That’s cool.


So I’ve been rereading a book series I liked in high school. Very dense, verbose writing style heavy with descriptions and emotional exposition. I skip so much. I kinda eyeball a paragraph and go “oh yeah this is all internal turmoil, meh” and jump to the next one. I have to stop myself from doing this sometimes in Japanese too, when I’m not that engaged in a story.
Which is to say that some of native reading speed is not actually reading all the words :stuck_out_tongue:


You know when you say that… yeah, you’re right. I’ve got another visual novel I’m reading on the side in English (it doesn’t help that it is genuinely one of the longest ever and I’ve been doing this for over 80 hours lol), and there are plenty of lines, especially since I frequently have it auto advancing, where I’ll realize I really didn’t quite get what some of the words there were. But I end up like “eh, good enough, I got the vibe of the sentence.”

Anyway though, I didn’t mean for that bit to sound too self disparaging or anything if it does! It’s more like, I’m recognizing that at times it can feel like a VN or book is dragging me through something for too long, but that’s often only relative to my pace. Things I can spend a day doing might be more like a quick footnote to a session under more expected reading circumstances. It’s more light defense of the work rather than a lament or anything.



Well I’m feeling like an idiot now. Apparently the nomination post for 海辺のカフカ mentioned the random, uncomfortable sexual parts, but I never even went into the Advanced Book Club thread, much less looked for the nomination post, never even thought to. I just saw the book’s home thread when it was first created, recognized it as one I was at least vaguely interested in reading someday, and decided that now with a book club was as good a time as any. Despite knowing nothing about Murakami but his name. Coulda saved myself some trouble.

It’s kinda funny though how I had separately come across Journey Under the Midnight Sun/白夜行 in English and Japanese. I went into my Amazon US wishlist since I was sure I had at least one other Murakami novel on there and came across two translated Higashino Keigo novels I’d added in 2017 (the other being The Devotion of Suspect X, which, after finding from the Wikipedia page that the woman and daughter still go to jail in the end, I decided not to read, since I feel they’re completely justified in killing her abusive, stalker ex-husband). I decided to look for Journey Under the Midnight Sun in Japanese and realized, wait, it’s this one, 白夜行, that I’ve had open in a tab for weeks, waiting to read the preview! (I have no idea how the hey to read the JP title though.)

So yeah I dropped 海辺のカフカ. I can’t get into one half of the story even though it seems interesting so it feels like I should! and I don’t know if there’ll be any more uncomfortable sexual scenes and I don’t care to find out. Since I still seem to have some sort of mental block that’s preventing me from continuing 2.43 for some reason (I don’t get why?? I love the series?? I’m excited about it?? But my brain has decided it’s just not the time, apparently), I’ll be picking up 明日をくれた君に、光のラブレターを.

I read the preview for 契約コハビテーション. The MC is a businessman, though I don’t know how old he is, and the LI is right now only guessed to be a college student, so I dunno what their age difference is, so… I dunno. I think I’ll leave it as a maybe for now, keep an eye on the scanlation and see if anything past ch 1 ever gets uploaded so I can see.

I read act 4 of ボーイミーツマリア. I forgot I left off right before Arima’s backstory.

Ah, man.

The way his expression changes when that teacher calls him a girl… At age 7, he mostly thought of himself as a girl, but it seems he was already thinking that he wasn’t really one, or at the very least not the way his mother was trying to raise him as one (less because his body’s different and more because of his interests and the expectations of him and whatnot, I feel. idk I’m not really the same since I’m afab but I started feeling that I wasn’t really a girl at that age too, though I didn’t learn about nonbinary genders until college. Was definitely forced to be a girl though, in a way I wasn’t and didn’t want to be). His mother’s a former actress, and she really wanted a daughter who could achieve what she was never able to, so even if Yuu had been afab, she still wouldn’t have been a good mother. As it is, she had a hand in his trauma and directly contributed to his difficulty in figuring out his gender and identity. Does he only feel a connection to femininity and can’t say for certain that he’s a boy because of how he was raised? (Does he still see “being a girl” as some sort of safety, even after everything? He can’t act on stage as a boy in front of others, after all, can only dance as a girl after that teacher was somehow allowed to see his performance last year when he got out of prison, despite that he’d raped him and then tried to mutilate him with a knife. Whose effing bright idea was that to let him go?) Does he only feel so strongly that he’s not a girl because of what that teacher did to him? Is he a girl, a boy, both, neither? Figuring out what your gender is can be difficult enough even without trauma surrounding it.

Well, after this is when things should be getting better again.

Some vocab of note:

いちころ [noun] losing easily; being trounced; being beaten hands down
缶 (かん) [noun] can; tin. I’ve known this word for years, but TIL that it’s ateji. It’s probably no coincidence, then, that “can” and “缶” sound so similar—they’re probably the same word.
たちまち [adverb] in an instant; in a moment; immediately; right away; at once. suddenly; all of a sudden; all at once.
シール [noun] sticker
ザマ [noun, derogatory] mess; sorry state; plight; sad sight


I finished the first volume of 少年H, the story about a boy living in Kobe during WWII. It was really hard for me so I’m not going to jump into the second half right away. I left a review on Natively but couldn’t finish the level grading. Between the vocabulary range and the amount of dialect (Kansai-ben everywhere, plus some Hiroshima-ben, plus old news quotes), it’s one of the hardest things I’ve read and I don’t have a comparison to set an upper boundary.

I picked up the children’s historical biography 武田信玄と上杉謙信 again. I started it around the beginning of the year but put it aside for a while since I was sick. I want to be done with it and get it off my shelf but it’s really boring. I thought a children’s version would be livelier but this is so dry. There are only 60 pages left (it’s a short book) and I know this is going to feel a lot longer than 60 pages of…

ナミヤ雑貨店の奇蹟 which is SO GOOD. I’m about 25% through and really enjoying how well written it is. I’m reading a used copy of the regular Kadokawa edition, but it turns out there’s also a Tsubasa Bunko version with full furigana.


June 6 :cherry_blossom: Home Post

Well today ended up very productive; I read chapter 4 of 海辺(うみべ)のカフカ earlier so I’m caught up for this week’s reading! :tada: And then I fell deep into AI: The Somnium Files and… oof, there were a lot of feelings today. I ended up going way longer than I intended because things were happening and I absolutely could not stop in the middle, but I finished みずき’s route so it all works out!

AI stuff

I have a lot of feelings about みずき :pleading_face: Her biological parents were garbage actually, wow! I’d still never actually seen them outside of like photographs and their corpses (yikes) so seeing flashbacks of them reframed some stuff. And yeah… not great. 伊達(だて) and I were on the same page lmao:

伊達(だて) though… 伊達(だて)'s a good dad!! The whole end part of this route made me cry. First みずき being repeatedly in danger and all that, then 伊達(だて) very directly risking his life for her and even seeming possibly legitimately dead (the shot of the bullet approaching both of his eyes and like shattering the アイボゥ screen was really cool though, angst aside) and all of the aftermath… Playing as みずき was a fun change but she was so sad, it really hurt, especially when she’d said earlier how 伊達(だて) was really all she had left and just :sob: And his somnium!! All the memories, him trying to be a good dad and both of them dealing with a really complicated situation, and in the end directly going to him over her biological parents… yeah I have a lot of feelings haha. They’re family!!

伊達(だて) may joke about his wish being like “for this boring situation to be over quicker” but they care about each other! He’s a good dad!

Well that became a rambly mess quickly lmao but anyway today was a good reading day! It’s always cool to get super into what I’m reading like that :grin:


Started reading Yokohama Shopping Trip volume 1 (first edition) yesterday. Wanted to read something alongside spy x family novel and I think this one looked best. Also serves as a sorta back-up, if I’m too tired to read before bed then I already read something that day most likely. I only read the prologue. From the spy x family novel I also read a few pages, the introduction of this first chapter. It’s definitely a novel and that does take me more time, there is furigana but not as much as the manga. The furigana doesn’t seem to align with the kanji necessarily, looks more like a little note. Story wise this probably takes place after volume 4, given bond is there and the last story is about the family portrait.

Played some more Persona 4 Golden recently and I’m right about to head into the first dungeon. Game introduced me to various shops, velvet room and I also talked to some NPC’s. There’s someone that’s really into bikes:

I’m about 7 hours in at this point, which is still early in. Modern persona games (since 3) are pretty slow paced, but that suits me fine for the level I’m still at so I don’t mind it that much. Not sure if I’ll tone down the difficulty eventually, so I can just enjoy story and dialogue. While initially the battle system drew me in back when I played it years ago on the vita, there’s better options out there. The main draw will be me trying to soak up all that Inaba (稲羽) has to offer. I’ll try to post more of my playthrough whenever I can.


TIL the kanji for that! Oh man that looks lovely. I half want to get the game in Japanese again for a third play through (not counting ng+, heh) and another 100+ hrs, but i should probably actually finish Persona 5 first. And then maybe get Royal in Japanese instead.


It’s funny as I had trouble typing the second kanji from the compound and went with the counter instead. In names it can be read as ba. Name probably comes from the hare of inaba legend.

The high school is also called Yasogami 八十神, which refers to the many gods/deities. Cute wink, considering they pull from different kind of mythologies.


:sob: Oh man, those little hints everywhere! It’s probably such a cool game to experience in Japanese!


I read chapter 4 yesterday! When I finished I realized that the chapter was actually 11 pages long (not 8 like I originally thought, for some reason). So that’s cool. :muscle:

And! The vampires have arrived! Sei / 霧島くん’s older brother Kou is totally giving all the pretty girls at school anemia (at least that’s what it looks like right now). And maybe he can transform into a black ferret? Luckily Miu seems to be at least partially resistant to vampire magic.

Kou talks like this

「あれ?『鬼了テンプ』 の能力が効いてない?」

I don’t know what テンプ or 鬼了 are, and could not find them in any dictionary. Miu doesn’t seem to know either, though. But I wonder what clues 鬼了 would give me if I had a more intuitive understand of kanji …?


I’m guessing that the 手ぇ part indicates some kind of delinquent drawl? That’s all I’ve got.

One nice thing about this book is that I feel a lot more able to let go of the little things that I don’t understand. I guess because it feels more like entertainment than like a Valuable Learning Opportunity. It’s a nice change of pace! :blush:

Words I can remember

イタチ – weasel
つかむ – after looking it up about a dozen times I finally learned “to catch, grasp, grab”
首すじ – nape of the neck
目元 – area around the eyes (or expression of the eyes)
泣きぼくろ – crying mole (mole under the eye “supposedly due to having cried”)

I learned 泣きぼくろ at one point (from someone else’s word list, I think) and remembered it because I was watching A Lull in the Sea (凪のあすから) and one of the characters has one. But this is the first time I’ve run across the word myself!


Jun 7, Tue (Week 11) :cherry_blossom: calendar post

Thanks for the encouragement. I actually read the first page of Ch.8 in advance before, and I find it not too hard (though a little on the challenging side); rather, I find chapters in this book on always a little too long…

Nonetheless, Ch.8 is divided to many small sections (5 sections, I think); and each section is fun on its own. I actually read Ch.8 on smartphone to the end as well (and opening a dictionary means switching apps – not as convenient as having two devices…)

Ch.9 is longer and has like two sections. Nonetheless, I managed to finish it in one go. (I have a tablet, a laptop, and a smartphone this time.) So, I guess I have caught up.

I also started to do more listening. I found a little better way to use subtitles on Netflix. Nonetheless, a journey to better listening has only just started.

There was also a write-up on Listening Everyday Challenge. My guess is it will start anyway at the beginning of July. I will still probably use Read Everyday Challenge as a main plan to post weekly wholesome Japanese language learning, anyway.

I reckon that I will eventually need a place to connect seasons of learning myself, although it is currently at Extensive Reading Challenge. A post of my own would be a better place, as well as for:-

  • My favorite tools, and a list of abandon tools
    • After all, I am more of a forum and outside-WaniKani user. And I installed UserScripts on smartphone (Kiwi Browser) as well.
  • My mods, my creations, and tool failure – according to my experience

Vocabularies of note:
  • ブランコ swing, that you sit on (乗る) and swing/rock (揺らす) from loanword Portuguese’s balanço
  • ホイッスル whistle
  • バイブ(おん) – not sure of the pronunication – vibration sound (on a mobile phone)
  • ()(くば) signaling with the eyes / winking
  • しょっちゅう always, constantly – etymology is sound changes from 初中(しょちゅう)
  • ()(はつ) first departure (of a train) – opposite is (しゅう)(はつ), although I normally knew (しゅう)(でん)
  • (ふところ) purse, bag, bosom, depth of thought – I think Goo JE explains well
  • (かい)(こう) chance meeting – this vocab is from a 試し読み of Date-A-Live, Tooka part; which looks fun to read, tbh