📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

Summary post

Week 00
Week 01
Week 02
Week 03
Week 04
Week 04
Week 05
Week 06
Week 07
Week 08
Week 09

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

Look at that, I managed to make it all the way to the end! The last 20 days or so of May were especially hard for me, for multiple reasons, so I fell off of updating my summary post (and abandoned my plan to post more regular updates in the thread), but I never stopped reading. Some days, that meant that all I managed was translating a single paragraph in a TJPW show recap, but I always kept going.

I also managed to read in both Spanish and Japanese every single day! I actually just finished Wonder (La lección de August) by R. J. Palacio today, on the last day of the challenge! Just in time, too, because today my boss asked me for recommendations for easy books to read in Spanish, and I was like: “oh I have the perfect book to recommend! But I currently have it checked out :sweat_smile:”. But I’ll be able to turn it in tomorrow and check out a new book in Spanish :blush:.

With Japanese, I read… probably about a chapter, maybe a chapter and a half, of 大海原と大海原 volume 3 :sweat_smile:. It was my last priority, so I did not get around to reading it often, but I did manage to keep going with the manga! What was really incredible to me is that every time I came back to it, my Japanese had noticeably improved since the last time I read some pages. So I guess the work I’m putting into WK, Minna no Nihongo, and my translations (with Anki as accompaniment) really has been paying off!

I finished 11 TJPW show translations, including some real long ones! My posts about each of them are all in the pro wrestling thread (as well as some posts about the main stressor that ended up derailing most of my May :persevere:).

I also ended up trying my hand at translating some senryu poems here on the forum. That has been loads of fun. I got so into it, I started trying to write a few senryu of my own in Japanese (my poems are in this study log post).

It feels like I got nothing done in comparison to everyone else, haha, because I didn’t finish a single book in Japanese, not even a manga :sweat_smile:. I’m not sure how many thousands of characters the translations are. The shorter shows are usually 3,000 or so, and the longer ones are usually 7,000 or so, so I probably didn’t get all that much read, considering, though it takes longer when you’re actively trying to translate and not just read.

I’ll probably slack a little during the month off, as usual, though the wrestling show translations definitely keep me on my toes, because I try my best to get each one done before the next show. Even if I’m not posting, though, I’ll still be hanging around! It’s fun to see what everyone else is up to! I do plan on participating in the summer challenge when it rolls around. I guess I’ll be getting my birthday month (June) off, haha!