📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Home post

Day 55:

日本語: I read a fair amount of 伯爵と妖精 21.


中国語: I read 小狗和小猫.


:jack_o_lantern: My tiny summary post :ghost:

October 26 Maybe I can finish the book within this week.
・Honzuki 6. (82% → 87%).

The answer is yes because commute is longTM and things are getting interesting.


Summary Post

October 26th
Final Fantasy XIV

Random words
  • 接近 = せっきん getting closer, drawing nearer.
  • 甲冑 = かっちゅう helmet and armour.
  • 革細工 = かわざいく leathercraft, leatherwork.
  • 彫金 = ちょうきん chasing, metal carving or engraving.

Yuuuuuup. My schedule is a big mess of random things that I hope will end up paying off in the end somehow. I will keep looking forward to the day when I no longer encounter hundreds of new words per resource and I can just casually enjoy things while learning passively, and no longer call it study :sob: . Until then, we keep rowing.


Summary post

Day 52: October 26
What did I read?: ハイ☆スピード!
How much did I read?: 3 pages
How long did it take me?: 1 hr 18 min

No, I did not forget to update the page/time count, it was actually dead same xD Weeeird.

Time to gush about Rin because I love him

I know very little about swimming technique/form but honestly, I would listen to Rin talk/think about it forever. I love it. The dedication of this kid <3 The way his thought process is written, the way he tries to analyze his form and his swimming and find those possible weak points, just oozes passion and dedication to me. I can just imagine him thinking like this as he gets older too, studying up on all the swim theory books so he can perfect his swimming technique, and I just <3 I’m living for swim nerd Rin.

He’s alone at the pool this time, and he’s not practicing his butterfly for the relay :o No, what he’s doing is swimming freestyle and trying to beat Haru’s time from the last time they matched up at a tournament xD It bugs him so much, that he can’t seem to catch up to Haru - whenever he gets faster, Haru gets faster too. And he’s trying so hard to figure out why. And you can just see, that he’s going to practice and practice until he can finally beat Haru in the 100m free. That obsessiveness, which (sort of anime spoiler) turns a bit toxic and destructive later on…I feel like you can see it taking root here.

Also I stopped before getting too much into this next scene because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to finish it right at this moment but Gou is here this is not a drillllll
Gou = Rin’s little sister and she is heeeeerrrrreee, what new Matsuoka sibling moments await ahhhh

Good words
  • 弾く (はじく) - to flip; to snap; to flick​ (as in, the thing Rin does with his goggle strap)
  • 顔を合わせる (かおをあわせる) - to be matched; to face against; to meet; to face someone
  • どころか - far from; anything but; not at all
  • 焦燥感 (しょうそうかん) - irritability; feeling of impatience; sense of uneasiness
  • 消耗 (しょうもう) - exhaustion; consumption; using up; dissipation; waste
  • わだかまる - to lurk; to hover in the background​
  • 心置きなく (こころおきなく) - freely; frankly; without reserve
  • 箇所 (かしょ) - place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion
  • しなり - bending; warping; flexibility; pliability​
  • 手に入れる (てにいれる) - to obtain; to procure
  • こみ上げる (こみあげる) - to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to fill one’s heart; to overcome one

Summary post

Day 56: Today I read 6 pages of よつば&!


Read in the park again this morning, slightly raining but not enough that I feared for my book (although enough to make seeing through my glasses a bit blotchy).

Favourite new word was だだっ広い だだっぴろい - excessively spacious, unduly wide, sprawling.


:fallen_leaf: :raccoon: :last_quarter_moon: :: TANUKIDATE 20211027 :: :last_quarter_moon: :raccoon: :fallen_leaf:

Day LVII: この音とまれ! pg.123-129 & 洪水から村をすくった若者 :snake:

6 pages today!

Read today’s Japanese folktale from Miyazaki prefecture, about snakes protecting ponds again!

Today is also テディベアの日, teddy bear day! :teddy_bear:

~ New Words ~
あふれ (溢れ) - Overflow
土手 (どて) - Bank; Embankment - i.e. River bank.
占い師 (うらなし) - Fortune Teller
薄緑[色] (うすみどり[いろ]) - Light green
いけにえ (生贄) - Living Sacrifice
夜明け (よあけ) - Dawn, daybreak


Yesterday I read 40 pages and finished the second volume of エデンの檻. Today I started the third volume of エデンの檻 and read 15 pages. But it’s pretty boring, I think I will rather read something else tomorrow.

Anyhow I finished my 20th manga this year all thanks to this challenge. :tada:
形状 けいじょう shape, form
化石 かせき fossil N1
止まる とどまる to remain; to abide; to stay (in the one place) N2
女房 にょうぼう wife (esp. one’s own wife) N2
方角 ほうがく direction; way N2
蜃気楼 しんきろう mirage


Home post

Day 56:

日本語: I read some of 伯爵と妖精 21.


中国語: I read 爱玩的学生.


Summary post

Day 57: Today I read 6 pages of よつば&!which got me to the end of chapter 5. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


:jack_o_lantern: My tiny summary post :ghost:

October 27 I’ve reached the epilogue. That means there will be side stories soon :eyes:
・Honzuki 6. (87% → 89%).


Summary Post

October 27th
Stardew Valley

Random words
  • 快晴 = かいせい clear weather, cloudless weather.
  • 見逃す = みのがす to miss, to overlook, to let pass, to let go by.
  • タンポポ = dandelion.


Summary post

Day 53: October 27
What did I read?: コウペンちゃん :penguin:
How much did I read?: 28 pages - finished the book
How long did it take me?: 14 min

Late shift = penguins!

So comfy :3

Cutest ending to the Little Match Girl ever

Good words:

  • 成分 (せいぶん) - ingredient; component; composition
  • おまじない - uttered when using magic; abracadabra; presto
  • 凍てつく (いてつく) - to freeze
  • ガビーン - oh no!​ (Manga slang, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word, indicates shock and disappointment)
  • ダース - dozen
  • とんでもない - unthinkable; unexpected; absurd; outrageous; preposterous; terrible

Main Post

Been reading more of tanuki lately, about halfway through volume 2. Still a comfy read. Looked at my bookmeter and reached a new milestone: 150 days of continuous reading.


:fallen_leaf: :raccoon: :last_quarter_moon: :: TANUKIDATE 20211028 :: :last_quarter_moon: :raccoon: :fallen_leaf:

Day LVIII: この音とまれ! pg.129-135 & たのきゅう :snake:

6 pages today!

Today’s Japanese folk tale is also about snakes! Snaketober :snake:
This one is a pretty amusing little story, even more so with the narrator’s old man impression :laughing:
There’s a link on this one on how to make your own origami snake: snake 1 / snake 2

If your name is たのきゅう you may get confused for たぬき and then have to pretend that you are in fact a tanuki to trick a snake :raccoon:

~ New Words ~
色っぽい (いろっぽい) - Erotic, amorous
ヤニ (脂) - On WK, but the sole meaning (for the kanji) on here is just fat… Jisho states it’s fat; grease; lard, this makes the words it’s used in make so much more sense. On this story it’s used to mean tobacco tar “タバコのヤニ”
痺れる (しびれる) - to become numb, also new kanji! Which means numb/paralysed.



Sure you did :joy_cat: But that’s totally ok - I have this bad habit of just sticking a bunch of words into my deck without completing the cards, so this was a welcome nudge towards cleaning up my deck a little bit.

Would you mind sharing them? I’m a dev myself (so no need to clean up the code or anything :sweat_smile:) but I never looked into Anki plugins - this might be useful for my deck cleanups, I could imagine…

For the challenge:

Oct 24th: Finished the week’s assignment of ヨコハマ.

Oct 25th: Re-read Demon Slayer chapter 8.

Oct 26th: Re-read Demon Slayer chapter 9.

Oct 27th: Did not get around to any reading (was very busy and need. to. make. sure. I finish my Anki decks at least)

Oct 28th: Had a very intense (in a good way) work morning and slacked off in the afternoon by reading Demon Slayer chapter 10-11.


I decided, in pursuit of words, to pull up the vocabulary list the book club made for Yotsuba 4, and read a few pages with the list right in front of me, figuring that would make it semi-easy … Have I regressed, or is chapter 23 just a beast? Half the time I could not figure out why the characters were saying what they were saying, and some of the time it was a struggle to figure out what they were saying even though I knew every word! I hadn’t had that problem in quite a while. :confused:


Ahaha, thank you so much! I enjoyed this bizarre story, and learned something too. :grin:


It’s 9pm and I’ve just tried to read the sentence 老人たちは、そこでなにやらふたことみことささやきかわした written vertically, and as much as I’ve enjoyed this challenge, part of me is going to be really glad when I can just skip the odd day of reading again from next week. :sleepy:


:jack_o_lantern: My tiny summary post :ghost:

October 28 If I can just get it over with this math assignment… :skull_and_crossbones:
・Honzuki 6. (89% → 90%).


Summary post

Day 58: Today I read 6 pages of よつば&! and two pages of ツバサ Reservoir Chronicle.