📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

Summary post

Day 45: October 15
What did I read?: 夜は猫といっしょ Vol 2
How much did I read?: 22 pages
How long did it take me?: 10 min

A very tiny read today, as I was working late.
Wow, it was hard to pick just a few favorite panels today, though xD

キュルガ + suitcases

Looking like the cutest scarf ever

Love this panel - looking all innocent like “what? I’m just walking” :innocent:

Some more cute キュルガ, he was so cute the whole timeee

The way his paws rest on his tail :heart:

Creepin’ xD

Good words:
荷造り (にづくり) - packing
津々 (しんしん) - gushing; overflowing; everlasting; unfailing; endless
天敵 (てんてき) - natural enemy
切ない (せつない) - painful; heartrending

picks up mushrooms again with great vigor

…I was born of the mushrooms.
The mushrooms are my kin.

For some reason, this was what came out of my brain when I read that and now I’m thinking it belongs at the start of an epic LOTR-style mushroom adventure. …Or on someone’s application form :joy:
Idk why I am like this