📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 🍁🍂🦝

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Last update has been a week already… I finished reading through Polar Bear Café Today’s Special volume 1. It was good, as there’s a variety of stories and difficulty in it. A lot more focus on sidecharacters you hardly noticed in the first series. I did feel it was slightly more difficult than the first series. Not entirely sure where that lies, maybe the vocabulary use. As Today’s Special does have longer words/kanji compounds in my experience. I did feel I learned quite a bit from it. There’s a yojijukugo that I found pretty neat in it: 適者生存 which comes close to the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’. The little character notes are also fun to read as they have summary of the characters on them and for the animals this typically means they also list what type of animal they are.

Gonna continue this pace with volume 2.