📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Summary Post

Day 8: October 8th
What did I read?: 夜の名前を呼んで
How much did I read?: 38 pages
How long did it take me?: 40 min

Yes hello I’m dying, I got a COVID booster yesterday so as per usual with COVID shots I’ve been feverish and aching the entire day and mainly just laying on the couch under a soft blanket. So if anything makes no sense in this update, that’s why and I apologize, I tried my best :joy:

I did read, though I’m gonna be honest, I’m not sure I totally understand what happened :joy: But med school buddy Karutos (hopefully I’m not mis-transliterating that, that would be embarrassing) is confirmed malicious and like…ridiculously powerful, it seems, which is a low-key terrifying combination (he made a fake version of himself and had that version keep talking to/distracting Rei while the real him kidnapped Mira. He also manifested an entire bookstore full of fake patrons to create an experimental condition that would help him put Mira into a darkness/panic attack? Like?) BUT what was interesting and a bit surprising was that Mira actually kind of saved herself. She found some light in the darkness on her own <3 Karutos left before Rei got to them, but I’m guessing we haven’t seen the last of him.