Rapid Review

I find that srs is not quite enough for me to learn things so that I can recall them totally automatically and with no uhm-delay.

However after the normal wanikani reviews, I’m tired of clicking, tapping and typing.

I’ve come up with my own little method of reviewing very rapidly and effectively, which is an adaptation of something I used to do with pen and paper and I wonder whether any of you does the same.

I do my reviews on my laptop and I’m not sure whether this would work on your mobile.

I select a level from the top menu.

I make my window narrow and tall and I zoom in to 250%.

I then start at the top and I work my way down the list recalling meaning and reading. (If you find it difficult to blank the answers on the right, you can always cover them with another window or even with your hand or a book)

If I’m hesitant or I cannot remember a few of them, I start all over again until recalling meaning and reading is fluid and effortless. Sometimes I only repeat the kanji or vocabulary section.

The first time takes only a couple of minutes.

I only wish that pitch patterns and audio buttons were also there.

Do you use the same method to supplement your reviews?


generally i don’t do this, as the SRS is usually pretty good at teaching the meanings and readings, albeit at a slower pace, because that’s how it makes sure it sticks in your memory.

if i really need to use a word, i’ll come back and look it up, but I try not to do additional “reviews” between review sessions because it kind of takes away from the point of the SRS, which is to space things out so that you are forced to remember them after a set amount of time.


you can use kaniwani, or use the Self Study Script to help you. plenty of people here do that


It could, if you forced yourself to answer within a few seconds. If you always answer within let’s say three seconds (that’s 10 minutes for 100 reviews), then you’ll only have time to think for a second then quickly type something

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Are you doing it like that? “Auto-Failing” if you cannot remember after ~2-4 seconds? If yes, how long are you doing it and how does it work out for you?

(Serious question, but it kinda not reads like one o.O)

OMG, I didn’t know Kaniwani! thanks!

What I find works for me is after I do lessons, I go back to my lesson summary page maybe 5-10 minutes after, read the item, and recall the meaning and the reading. If I can’t recall it, I hover over it to learn it again, and make my way through the list. I repeat this until I can recall all of the readings and meanings for whatever items I just learned, and get them all right in one run. Then I wait for my 4h review and usually pass them with high accuracy. Of course, you can also do this for items you’ve failed in reviews.


If I have it on the tip of my tongue I might think longer, but on average I answer in less than 3 seconds. It works just fine for me, I always do it as long as I’m not catching up with a backlog


I’d say to start working on answering faster. Don’t focus on the “omg I need to answer in less than 3 seconds aaaaa” but on “a bit faster this time… a bit faster this time…”. Learn to fully focus during reviews. Isolate yourself for any other distractions. This will train you to answer faster.


Yeah, I wouldn’t set a hard limit, I just try to answer as fast as I can

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Self Study Script is very well put together (thank you @rfindley). However it has an interface similar to wanikani, that requires many clicks. At the end of a review I already suffer from click-fatigue. :slight_smile:

Kaniwani has a rather different scope, which I like very much :slight_smile:

That doesn’t seem to do it for me.

When I first study a level, I like to go through all items over and over again until they are well fixed in my memory and recalling meaning and reading is automatic (less than 1 sec).

If Wanikani gave us the possibility to tweak its SRS parameters, like number of levels and time interval between consecutive levels, I would probably create more levels at the beginning with a low time interval. Who knows, perhaps one day we’ll have a few knobs and sliders to do that :slight_smile:

Incidentally, sometimes I find typing, clicking and tapping a bit tiring. This method does away with all that but it relies on your honest assessment of how well you did. I also get bored of doing always the same thing in the same way, so I like to mix it up to create a varied experience that keeps my interest alive and well.

I’ve used this method for all the other languages I’ve learned, if we exclude Latin and Ancient Greek, and it served me well. It doesn’t mean that one size fits all, nor am I here to convert.

This technique is just a variation on a very old method that consisted of having columns with writing, meaning, reading and going through one column while covering the others. You can find countless articles and videos describing it.

I was curious to hear if other people on here use this method.

Well, I suggest you get Benkyou in the Google Play Store or App Store. You can do the same thing your doing right now with it and it will be way more easier. You slide to the left if it’s wrong and slide to the right if it’s right. I really suggest that you try it out. It is equivalent to what your doing. If you are going to complain about sliding too, I don’t know what to tell you. I hope you enjoy it. It even has a critical items option! Here it is:

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When I think of it, I don’t think it does. If you like to think in SRS terms, what it does is to increase the number of SRS levels when you first encounter new kanji/vocab and set their time interval to a low value.

Personally I don’t like to learn only through SRS, albeit very useful. But to each his/her own :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

I find Wanikani quite adequate for SRS.

I only wanted to know if there was anybody on here who utilises the same method I use.

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