Radicals missing

Hi …
I have read on a much older post about several characters in Radicals tap --which cannot be “copied”
Is there a way to find that radical’s character ? ( website or some sort ?) I have tried my avenue without success.
Some of the “characters” which I cannot copied are : “Gun”, “Leaf”, Beggar", "Horn, “Spikes”, “Kick” … etc.etc. – it is quite obvious especially when I am trying to print the page as those becames “huge” Picture
Appreciate your help and assistance.


They’re not letters or symbols you can get on a computer, so they’re represented with images when it’s needed. So I’d say no.

What do you need them for?

If it’s to print, you can always just resize the images.


Noted @Kazzeon,
Thanks for the info – as I am completely new to this “radicals”, I thought that it is part of letter or symbols. Just want to learn about the “Writing” or how to write – although I believe that I could took sample on “kanji” word (having that radical – correct?)

Radicals are parts of kanji. When you’re writing text in Japanese, you don’t generally need to write half a character, so there’s often no way to do it in the computer. In some cases the part-kanji happens to be usable on its own as a separate kanji, and then it’s representable with text. There are also some part-kanji which get characters in fonts for historical reasons.

It’s kind of similar to how you can write “W” in text, and you happen to be able to say “that’s like two Vs next to each other”, but there’s no way to write “just the second stroke of a Q” in text, only by having an image.


some of these actually can be found in unicode. i’m not sure why they chose to represent them as images instead, maybe because they thought they might not be widely supported? it’s a little annoying as it is, but not a huge deal, since these aren’t official (kangxi etc.) radicals anyway, so you’re really only going to be using them here.

Gun: 𠂉
Stick: 丨
Leaf: 丆
Hat: 𠆢
Triceratops: ⺌
Beggar: 丂
Horns: 丷
Spikes: 业 (doesn’t look like like an exact match for the image but… “found in kanji” section matches)
Kick: 𧘇
Viking: 龸
Cape: 𠃌
Cleat: ⺤ (or 爫)
Gladiator: 龹
Pope: 𥃭 (poorly supported unicode block)
Spring: 𡗗
Squid: 㑒
Chinese: 𦰩
Bear: 㠯
Blackjack: 龷
Trash: 𠫓
Tofu: 𠂢 (the one on the site is missing a stroke but come on it’s clearly this)
Creeper: 𠮛 (poorly supported unicode block)
Bar: 㦮
Grass: 𭕄 (doesn’t look like an exact match until you check the “found in kanji” section)
Zombie: 袁 (this is maybe questionable as not an exact match)

some of these have minor differences from the image versions as well, but as they get deformed when put into kanji i think they still match pretty well. some of them fit what’s in the kanji better as the unicode version.


Well, one of them still doesn’t draw correctly for me in 2023, so I’d say they made the right call.

Edit: Two, now that I use my eyes.


I can see all of those but I have installed the Japanese language IME and font support pack on Windows

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You might have some luck browsing from Wiktionary (+ internal website links), if you want it encoded in a font. 𠂉 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Sometimes it’s not only font-dependent, but also by language tagging. <span lang="zh-CN">巩</span> =>

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Thanks @woeroboros – appreciate this very much …

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Thanks @polv – appreciate the link –
I will try to find those missing radicals … although seems that it might takes sometimes — but it will be good for my old eyes.

I would say they’re not universally supported. I’m currently working on a kanji teaching app somewhat similar to WaniKani and also had to import a lot of the kangxi radicals. They render correctly in a browser, but when I try to copy them over to Visual Studio Code, for instance, they don’t get copied right away. It’s possible to make them appear, of course.

As @finnra showed in his screenshot, some of them don’t render correctly sometimes, however.


yeah, it largely depends on what unicode block they’re in for compatibility (well more specifically, what unicode block + what revision it was added in/what revision is supported by whatever is displaying it). the 2 that didn’t render in the screenshot are in a different font even for me, i think they were in a different block ¯_(ツ)_/¯

even if those don’t work properly, i wonder if they could look into switching from the images for the ones in more widely supported blocks…

semi-related: something funny i discovered when looking into this is that all the kangxi radicals have their own dedicated unicode block that, as best i can tell, it’s advised to not use in 99% of cases in favor of the duplicate entries in the cjk unified ideographs block.

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oh yeah, whoops, the method i used to hurriedly check for image based examples didn’t show me all the ones i have locked that i’d already looked up.

some more examples:
Morning: 龺 or 𠦝
Death Star: 俞
Hills: 之 (notice all the kanji include the extra stroke)
Coral: 丞
Cactus: seems to be a variant of 业
Psychopath: really can’t comprehend why they didn’t use 鬯 instead but this is used in exactly one kanji anyway? idk

as for the remaining image radicals:
Yurt: all i have for this is “[?] Unicode: 广 + 廿” so, couldn’t really find it
Saw: couldn’t find anything
Explosion: couldn’t find anything
Comb: couldn’t find a good enough match
Elf: couldn’t find (hmmmm wonder why)
Satellite: this is sort of unclear " 䍃 = 缶 + 爫 " is what i have written and also the phonetic-semantic composition script has 䍃 listed

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Wow – impressive findings you have … I believe that “Admin” should use your finding and change radicals that have been “found” instead of keeping the image --as I believe, that one day (in the future – I think); someone will again ask about this (unless they try to find the solution in this “community thread” --as what I did).


Just wanted to point anyone who might be interested to this update. TL;DR we’ve now replaced all the images that we can with unicode characters.