Howdy everyone! Rewlly excited to be here and start my journey with WaniKani! One thing that i havent been able to figure out is how im supposed to know when my next lesson/review is available? Is there a way to be notified? Is there a setting i can check? Right now i essentially just check back in every few hours to see if there is something new i can do, but that seems very inneficient and i assume there is a better way im just missing.
The number in the first column is the number of reviews that will be come up at that time. The number in the second column is the running total. Note this is for reviews only, not lessons. New lessons will unlock as you pass current items you are reviewing past the apprentice stage to the guru stage. Getting radicals to guru level unlocks new kanji. Getting kanji to guru stage unlocks new vocabulary.
I highly recommend reading the Getting Started section at the link below to understand how WK works.
It means three items will be added at that time. If you look at the WaniKani help page it should help you get a better understanding. WaniKani’s SRS Stages | WaniKani Knowledge