Hi there! While studying, iâve found creating shortcuts quite useful with AutoHotKey. So adding those âshorcutsâ here seemed to be just right.
An Autohotkeyscript running at startup can really do wonders!
For example, you put in your clipboard a word/sentence, and then you can use hotkeys!
search := "https://immersionkit.com/dictionary?keyword="
. RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, " ","%20"),"`r`n","%0A")
Run, chrome.exe %search%
search := "https://translate.google.com?sl=ja&tl=fr&op=translate&text="
. RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, " ","%20"),"`r`n","%0A")
Run, chrome.exe %search%
search := "https://ichi.moe/cl/qr/?r=htr&q="
. RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, " ","%20"),"`r`n","%0A")
Run, chrome.exe %search%
search := "https://jisho.org/search/"
. RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, " ","%20"),"`r`n","%0A")
Run, chrome.exe %search%
If you use Anki, i would also suggest using the addon
and configuring it so as to copy the âExpressionâ field automatically to your clipboard.
"answerField": "Expression",
"questionField": "Expression"
Donât forget to ârenameâ your field in your deck if necessary.
So when i review my anki cards, and i have a doubt about a meaningâŠ
i just have to hit the F2, F4, F5 keys and it will automatically open the browser and search for that âexpressionâ .
While talking about anki addons, the âright hand reviewâ addon is nice:
Right hand review addon
It has an option:
"rate_from_question": true,
When using it, you can easily rate the question even when you only see the front of the card. -
Have fun