Post some WK words that you later discover are extremely rare in the wild

Also she encouraged focusing on functional colloquial/natural communication rather than “proper” Japanese (for this group, for the goal of this class). Example: 持ち帰り: we were taught the word in case we heard it, but encouraged to say “takeout” instead because it’s a common enough katakana word and everyone knows it. Higher chance of remembering/lower chance of pronouncing it wrong and causing communication trouble.

Which didn’t stop me from trying out 持ち帰り at my next opportunity, and it worked fine, but so did “takeout”, for the purpose.

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Language cares nothing for rules. :wink:

I’m pretty sure most English speakers would be able to picture a crabigator even though it’s not a word.

This is the key, I think. In everyday conversation, people tend to extend meanings or spend more time explaining rather than use words with more specific nuances.


It’s just like language knowledge for anyone. It depends on:

  • age
  • education
  • social sphere
  • upbringing
  • work history
  • etc

And what media they consume. Flowerier, more unusual terms can and do pop up very often in prose.

Take the word “ebb” for example. I think it’s safe to say that it isn’t very common in everyday conversation. But, having read a lot of books, I’ve seen that word many times.

In prose, you can get away with using terms that’d make people tilt their heads in confusion in real life if they’re deployed well.


A while ago, I was playing with scripts ang got some data. So here is the list of the rarest WK vocabs according to the frequency list provided by the The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese. I included the 412 words that have a frequency over 30000. Rarest are first.

WK level Frequency Word
26 152442 鉛毒
32 152442 桜肉
16 134146 残品
17 134146 官金
17 134146 干天
34 134146 聖日
40 134146 雅致
46 134146 眼孔
47 134146 塊魂
1 121932 二つ
37 121932 聴者
41 121932
45 121932 小舟
46 121932 零点
1 112945 一つ
4 112945 三世
25 112945 捉える
59 112945 早乙女
7 105812 海魚
8 105812 他所
17 105812 薬方
35 105812 獄内
48 105812 返り咲き
35 100044 破船
36 100044 諾否
50 100044 鬱気
53 100044 真鯉
14 95293 悪例
34 95293 純毛
37 95293 塁審
41 95293 瀬戸
53 95293 丹誠
53 95293 緯線
22 91105 社費
29 91105 直航
42 91105 芝草
58 91105 管弦楽
13 87545 心願
37 87545 証跡
50 87545 麻布
4 84364 一代
14 84364 流行歌
54 84364
59 84364 叔父
39 81496 戻り道
53 81496 緋鯉
5 76505 里心
26 76505 読み違い
18 74402 仏僧
19 74402 減法
32 74402 傷者
55 74402 南瓜
16 72501 荷札
28 72501 傘立て
29 72501 眠り薬
41 72501 措辞
26 70792 獣類
31 70792 粉状
40 70792 俊才
46 70792 鈍器
53 70792 稿料
24 69186 親展
26 69186 鉛管
34 69186 肺臓
36 67621 継父
35 66189 入獄
49 66189 珠算
59 66189 慶祝
57 64790 弔意
31 63420 既決
43 63420 球威
48 63420 斜体
50 63420 翻意
57 63420 減俸
19 62178 二枚舌
34 61086 自薦
30 60041 越権
53 60041 南緯
58 60041 縛り首
16 58004 字典
20 58004 煙い
43 58004 牧野
55 58004 栓抜き
18 57047 一等
19 57047 猫舌
42 57047 犠飛
44 57047 辛勝
46 57047 猿真似
48 57047 班長
50 57047 悪賢い
54 57047 卸値
21 56142 女権
31 56142 迷わす
54 56142 鯨肉
37 55260 塁打
53 55260 苗床
57 55260 粗塩
36 54469 甘党
46 54469 架設
48 54469 脇見
53 54469 錦鯉
57 54469 熊之実
19 53758 席順
24 53758 遠視
46 53758 寸暇
26 53012 燃え付く
28 53012 妙薬
31 53012 内偵
38 53012 奏楽
3 52303 市立
26 52303 秒針
29 52303 大略
34 52303 全損
55 52303 惜敗
31 50967 雄犬
33 50967 無糖
53 50967
54 50967 殊勲
58 50967 棋譜
10 50308 化かす
20 50308 静々
45 50308 翔る
54 50308 哺育
55 50308 貴賓
18 49682 等号
22 49682 脱字
29 49682 招き猫
17 49130 自愛
20 49130 音訓
29 49130 日欧
31 49130 巣立ち
57 49130 校閲
46 48526 白菊
51 48526 貞節
32 48002 肉欲
55 48002 憂国
60 48002 醜聞
33 47405 果糖
49 47405 桑畑
57 47405 敢闘
60 47405 帆柱
13 46897 見返る
18 46897 不等
40 46897 内堀
49 46897 剛健
19 46371 数詞
22 46371 私営
41 46371 原潜
46 46371 揚げ出し
53 46371 合繊
59 46371 慶事
12 45860 最深
28 45860 反攻
39 45860 短銃
49 45860 隔月
57 45860 凸版
10 45354 立ち飲み
28 45354 星占い
31 45354 壊れ物
48 45354 遅咲き
54 45354 酷暑
58 45354 帆走
15 44910 変事
18 44910 訓読み
22 44910 諦観
29 44910 腹切り
33 44910 肺病
44 44910 感涙
59 44910 戦禍
20 43997 胸焼け
26 43997 汗臭い
47 43997 詐取
9 43534 部首
27 43534 腰抜け
35 43534 喜寿
41 43534 凄絶
42 43534 紛らす
46 43534 穏当
50 43534 殴り込み
40 43114 犠打
40 43114 訓戒
47 43114 躍如
5 42733 空車
40 42733 戒告
44 42733 取り逃がす
49 42733 桑原
5 42317 金玉
17 42317 図説
24 42317 所載
25 42317 一巻
25 42317 革ジャン
46 42317 斬殺
52 42317 突貫
60 42317 蛮行
34 41905 爪切り
52 41905 冷遇
34 41517 降車
45 41517 半裸
18 40712 禁句
20 40712 喉飴
22 40712 官営
38 40712 併殺
50 40712 壮行
59 40712 慶弔
19 40341 乱戦
22 40341 領袖
54 40341 空疎
19 40017 借財
19 40017 品詞
18 39667 叩頭
25 39667 時候
30 39667 版権
31 39667 血脈
33 39667
40 39667 主唱
43 39667 濡れ衣
57 39667 甲乙
58 39667 媒酌
30 39331 漏出
59 39331 禍根
29 38999 怒気
39 38999 棋院
42 38999 円弧
43 38999 沼沢
46 38999 涼風
48 38999 光輝
54 38999 風呂屋
55 38999 国賓
23 38668 律動
30 38668 電飾
46 38668 墨絵
51 38668 聡い
58 38668 不朽
27 38345 胃痛
42 38345 中軸
49 38345 覆る
58 38345 絹糸
59 38345 雌花
19 38018 私財
21 38018 無税
30 38018 盗作
32 38018 飾り気
58 38018 濁流
59 38018 暗礁
41 37692 甲斐性
42 37692 国柄
47 37692 砕石
47 37692 花柳
54 37692 欄外
59 37692
24 37409 値札
29 37409 略図
40 37409 褒賞
12 37119 音読み
32 36830 傷心
32 36830 汚点
40 36830 独唱
44 36830 両翼
56 36830 舶来
57 36830 色盲
59 36830 漬かる
17 36547 内因
53 36547 自浄
59 36547 紡織
17 36275 泣き虫
30 36275 不適
34 36275 痩身
47 36275 朝霧
59 36275 環礁
23 36002 有職
34 36002 迎え
38 36002 贈収賄
41 36002 撤兵
15 35737 変死
36 35737 盟約
52 35737 偏狭
52 35737
54 35737 静粛
59 35737 叔母
17 35495 梅酒
32 35495 雑費
51 35495 軟禁
52 35495 密猟
5 35238 何人
22 35238 県営
35 35238 蒸し返す
53 35238 暴騰
43 34999 沈滞
48 34999 涼む
51 34999 私邸
51 34999 貞操
57 34999 敢然
33 34729 異義
34 34729 誤用
45 34729 包み紙
46 34729 綿布
47 34729 虹色
49 34729 隔週
52 34729 殊勝
53 34729 暴虐
60 34729 思慕
5 34476 毛虫
27 34476 靴屋
31 34476 鼻詰まり
35 34476 白熊
46 34476 寮生
47 34476 愛憎
54 34476 貫き通す
55 34476 賓客
5 34249 休学
40 34249 薄情
54 34249 酷評
8 34020 未決
26 34020 人違い
27 34020 減給
37 34020 串焼き
46 34020 水泡
47 34020 土塀
53 34020 不浄
55 34020 伏兵
10 33790 当て字
16 33790 全治
30 33790 盗撮
41 33790 埋め合わせる
44 33790 手堅い
47 33790 上唇
52 33790 偏食
24 33531 触角
32 33531 白旗
39 33531 圏外
42 33531 斎場
45 33531
47 33531 痛恨
49 33531 俗語
60 33531 醜態
20 33296 皿洗い
40 33296 贈賄
53 33296 化繊
56 33296 墓碑
12 33093 悪女
20 33093 余震
41 33093 夏至
43 33093 満潮
46 33093 零下
59 33093 稚拙
31 32888 華美
32 32888 和訳
38 32888 膝頭
11 32666 洋室
45 32666 潮時
53 32666 徐行
32 32461 密会
41 32461 御手洗
47 32461 憩う
50 32461 仰々しい
53 32461 本舗
53 32461 競艇
56 32461 満悦
58 32461 呆れ返る
58 32461 年譜
58 32233 赦免
59 32233 胆石
52 32054 覇気
58 32054 淑やか
8 31850 大役
18 31850 弓道
46 31850 黙殺
48 31850 殴打
13 31653 神風
16 31653 不治
17 31653 勇む
25 31653 前景
28 31463 凍死
32 31463 桜色
50 31463
60 31463 娘婿
60 31463 殉職
34 31288 誤字
35 31288 福寿
46 31288 二十歳
19 30929 汽笛
44 30929 朱印
43 30737 朗報
43 30737 滋養
9 30546 弱虫
16 30546 仏典
44 30546 謎々
47 30546 扇ぐ
50 30546 殴り合い
53 30546 虐げる
60 30546 坑道
17 30382 川底
22 30382 副題
33 30382 異状
41 30382 早瀬
49 30382 老衰
54 30382 悠久
3 30189 ビー玉
15 30189 英和
23 30189 川崎
31 30189 泥水
37 30189 聴力
45 30189 無菌
58 30189 豪傑
9 30013 部室
42 30013 握力
43 30013 懇意
51 30013 公邸
56 30013 摂氏
58 30013 恩赦
60 30013 長唄

Well, I guess nobody gets poisoned by lead in Japan.


In written kanji form maybe. I wouldn’t say hitotsu and futatsu are rarely used, for example.


I think they’re there because they’re often written in Arabic numerals rather than the traditional Chinese numerals.


I don’t disagree with that, just let’s not misinterpret what the list means. Hitotsu and futatsu are very common and necessary words to know, not rare at all. They’re just rarely written like that. (apparently, I’m no expert)

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That’s what I was saying, yeah.


That’s some good news


Wait I’m confused? Why are only the ones with higher frequency than 30,000 included, excluding the rarer ones? Also, I don’t understand why you say rarest are first, when you include the lower frequency ones at the bottom? Why would a high frequency mean rare?

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There’s something wrong because they are almost always written like that in literature.


“Freqency” here means “rank”, I believe (i.e. position on the list), though I’m having trouble finding even a sample of the list to compare.

(Or, for that matter, the English list I used the last time this conversation came up, in order to make the point that people unquestionably know most of these words, they just don’t come up frequently in the corpus because the situation that you’d use them doesn’t frequently come up.)


Oh okay thanks! I was thinking the numbers were huge for BCC as well haha.

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Often even in pairs like 一つ一つ (one by one) :smiley:
Many of the words on the list I for sure wouldn’t use in a daily conversation, but 毛虫 is so high on it :frowning:

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