As a lower intermediate learner, I have studied a fair number of radicals, kanji and vocab already over the past 3ish years. I tried picking up WaniKani before at a friend’s recommendation but quickly dropped it because it didn’t seem to give me any new kanji and I felt like it just wasn’t progressing.
Upon returning recently, primarily to use WK as a revision aid I’ve sort of worked out how WK works - get the radicals right 5 times to get them to guru and it will give you the kanji - level the kanji the same to get it to guru and when you’ve completed the kanji for that WK level you’ll progress up the levels.
I’m due to go to Japan to study at a partner university in August/September and I’m hoping to be placed in their intermediate class (its a little more advanced than my current level but the beginners class would be way too easy for me as I’ve already studied like 80% of the course’s content). Due to this I’m hoping to score around N3 level on their placement test on my arrival and so have been using WK in hopes to polish up my kanji (I’m a little rusty and its always been a little bit of a weak point for me, as it is something I frequently push to one side when doing other university work).
I thought if I could get to WK Lvl 20 in around 3 months I should be doing pretty ok. I think all N5, N4 (save for 質 and 貸, which are at Lvl 24 and 27 respectively) and 243/367 N3 kanji are covered by this point - only really leaving me around 120 kanji to self study in the meantime.
I thought it was a pretty reasonable speed especially as I’m not really doing anything else at the moment due to covid, border closures etc. leaving me out of uni and work for the time being. Alas, WaniKani’s review speed is so painfully slow I’m realising that there’s no way I’m going to cover that many levels in that time My plan to do a level every 4 days was pushed to every 5 days but then Lvl 3 is taking more than 8 days to finish (?!). Some of the kanji only need one more review but it says they won’t make it back into my reviews for another 2 days! I understand they don’t want beginners to burn out but I hardly have any reviews coming through. I’m finding it painfully slow and super frustrating especially for the kanji I know very well. I did see on another thread someone saying the fastest speed WK will let you progress at is around 6ish days (?) although WK doesn’t seem to be letting me go even that fast so idk
The speed makes sense for beginner learners and I totally understand why it’s meant to be more effective but for people with previous study under their belt the speed feels really off and it seems strange to me that it doesn’t seem adaptive/there’s no way to adjust the speed for intermediate and above learners in the way you would adjust on Anki the number of reviews per day
It’s annoying because I really love WaniKani otherwise and I’m appreciating some of the vocab that I’m coming across that I haven’t come across/haven’t paid much attention to before. I know I gave up on WaniKani a couple of years ago for the same issue and I really don’t want to drop it this time but I find the speed of progressing so unmotivating. Am just about to upgrade to the premium but feel sore at the price considering the speed is so slow however nice the site is.
How do you other intermediate learners cope with the extremely painful slow speed?
So, sorry - Rant over