Other gamey resources?

I just remembered Earthlingo. Never played it though.


Omg right, I heard about it years ago but had completely forgotten about it! Iā€™ll probably try it since itā€™s free to play and everything

Shameless advertising, I love it.

No seriously, thanks for sharing!


Peopleā€™s view on promotion/advertising changes massively when they start their own project :slight_smile: . I am glad you like it.


Good feedback is often hard to come by, especially for projects just getting off the ground, so in general I would say that you donā€™t have to feel bad making feature requests/suggestions for free products. Itā€™s much more likely that they will be grateful for the feedback. (I could be wrong in general, but my intuition on this feels pretty strong. BTW, Iā€™m a former professional software developer, just for background info.)

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Is Renshuu entirely free or you have to start paying at some point? I looked at the first few pages, without signing up, and canā€™t tell if thereā€™s any payment after a certain point.

Fair warning the UMD drives are prone to fail. So you may have to do some magic tricks to get games on there.

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For those who dont know, a jailbroken PS4 can play psp games. Thatā€™s what I am gonna do since its drive tend to fail over time, as mentioned before.

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Isnā€™t PS4 still pretty damn hard to jailbreak though? That was the case the last time I looked into PS4 homebrew stuff. But I do have an PSP emulator on my laptop so I can use that to play games

if you have fw 9.0 you can jb and play any ps4 games. Some ps2, all psp and all sega saturn games (no emulation).

I am happy that several ps5 games like gow ragnarok will still be available on ps4 as well. :smiley:


Yeah same. Iā€™m moving out pretty soon and will have to leave our PS4 in my little brotherā€™s hands so I am planning on getting the PS5 pretty soon, but for the mean time Iā€™m really happy that many PS5 games have been available on PS4 as well. It also makes sense from a business point of view, since it would really hurt most gamesā€™ sales to only be on PS5 considering how hard it has been to get your hands on one. But FF7R part two will be a PS5 exclusive, Persona 6 will likely be the same way, so I was going to have to get the newest console sooner or later aways

That was many "PS"s in one reply

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Persona 5 came out on PS3 in 2017 (Sony and most devs abandoned PS3 development completely in 2015), I am 90% sure if it came out in the next couple years it would come to PS4.

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They also released Catherine Full Body on Vita in Japan. Team Persona has a history of releasing games on older hardware if they can do it.

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Thereā€™s a game on Steam called Influent. Itā€™s basically a 3D vocab app where you roam your apartment getting quizzed on items in it. Fun little way to practice vocab and pick up a few hundred words.


I hope that they continue on with that then!

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I went and downloaded it, Iā€™ll try it out in a few days!

I hope they donā€™t.

I donā€™t have a PS5 yet, but I wish they would go for a new modern engine on PS5. I want Persona 6 to look absolutely next level. They canā€™t use aging hardware for that.

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they can for the inevitable ā€œFinalā€ version of the game with QoL improvements and bonus content. FES, Golden, Royal-style.


Donā€™t remind me, thatā€™s such a scammy act. Iā€™m happy I waited out Persona 5 and didnā€™t get it before Royal, but man, I donā€™t know if I can take the wait again.


I can see your point. Though I feel like persona games often donā€™t really need as much power to render the visuals because the anime artstyle simplies things a lot.
A little out of subject but damn did I hate how Strikers looked, I felt like it was such a downgrade! I was absolutely baffled by the fact a lot of people were actually praising the visuals, I feel like the jails looked okay but the overworld (?) shaders were ugly with a capital U, at least compared to the original game. But it seems like my opinion is very unpopular.