whoever it is, thank you SO much…
@RushianAgent sniped
you also beat me to it too ;-;
damn i was looking for the official post too, saw the shake animation title but didn’t think it sounded related. But i guess it does shake, kinda!
If you forget how many times you need to type “n” for ん, we’ll also give you a gentle reminder. For example, if you type “onna” (おんあ) instead of “onnna” (おんな) for 女
“Ooh, he might be me.”
oh dont worry. if onna didnt get you, onnanoko and onnanohito are waiting just around the corner for you to slip up.
also getting いい加減にしろ wrong AGAIN because of that and shouting ‘for fucks sake’ should count as correct based on the voice input.
I forgot about how much trouble those were.
“I know what this is! It’s my thumbs that can’t say this word, not me!”
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