Oh how I loathe you 年中

I always fail on this word when it comes around, because of the weird reading and because of how it sounds like it should mean “within the year” but it doesn’t.
What words are like that for you?


金玉. This review always pops up when I’m doing WK reviews while I should be working. Because this is my own fault, I blame WK for including this vocab item.


Is this part of the prologue for your sect title’s dramatic backstory? I expect no less than 3 deaths by anime colds.


Any word in my Anki decks which slaps 中 as a suffix and makes me mess up the 連濁. On WaniKani I’m not sure, though, usually I don’t have super long time leeches.


I remember 年中 thanks to the “circle” in 中. Circle = all year round

The weird rendaku though, that’s a whole other story…


That’s a great mnemonic.
Regarding the reading juu it sounds kind of like jew, so maybe think of a mnemonic for jews that they do or happen/ed to them all year around.


I struggled with this, and it’s sort of counterpart 年内 (it came to me at roughly the same time anyway.) So firstly solidarity, but also I got some really good advice at the thread below. Some of the suggested mnemonics genuinely helped me remember these, and also helped where similar uses of the two kanji have come up elsewhere.


When 中 is read as じゅう, it often has the meaning of “throughout”, for example 世界中 meaning around the world / throughout the world. That’s also the case here with 年中


I share your pain. I can generally remember the rendaku and that I keep getting the meaning wrong as it doesn’t mean what I think it means, but actual meaning nope, that does not stick.


sets the boundaries of something, and contrasts the inside from the outside. So when you’re talking about time, and when you set the boundary as the whole year, including everything inside, you are talking about ‘year round’.

I got nothing for the rendaku.


I was a little doubtful about this at first, but I’ll be… It even has a separate entry on Jisho. Nice one! :slight_smile:


And if you mistake it for きんだま (which according to my keyboard is a correct spelling, but whatever), you have to put up with it for even longer. My mnemonic for that is, if you touch your きんたま to anything, you will contaminate it.


I’ve had that problem too! I finally figured out that I think of it as the same as “middle kingdom” for China, that sense of being in the middle, central, surrounded, which reminds me of “year round” rather than “within the year”. Best of luck with it, though.

This always helps me remember 年中 :laughing:


oh my-- yeah that would work!!

部室 (clubroom). Because it looks like 部屋 (room). It’s in Master now, but it always comes back… my brain gets excited and types quickly because it always thinks “Easy! Room!” Nope… I hate it


Oh, and then there’s 大きい, 大した, and 大きさ. All introduced on the same level as well, so they’ll come back to confuse you at the same times.


That one in particular, now I can’t miss it because it’s made me so mad so many times. I immediately go OH THAT F’ING HARD ONE, THE IMPOSSIBLE TO REMEMBER ONE SON OF A… [gets it right immediately]

So I guess SRS does work, eventually. No promises to have all the hair you started with, though.


For all the complaints about jin/nin being arbitrary and difficult, I’ve never had too much problem with those. Tai/dai though, grrrr…


Yeah, I make up custom mnemonics just for those.
大切: What item of clothes is the most important? Obviously the tie. Having shirts and pants and stuff is nice, but you need a tie to make a good impression.
大学: College is known for being painful, so you could call going to college the “ die -study”
大気: You use your superpowers to change the atmosphere, so a tie made out of clouds forms around your neck.
大作: After your epic play is performed, you step out on the stage for praise. However, the first thing you hear is someone shouting ‘Your tie sucks !’ Feel the shock at how rude this heckler is. Feel astonished that they didn’t pay attention to your play.
大会: It’s a tie convention, followed by a tie tournament. How nice does your tie look? How well does it match your suit? How fast can you tie it, and with how little complexity of the knot? This is what you must improve in yourself, to win the tie tournament.
大体: Meaning-The General got to become General generally because he is imposing, he has a BIG BODY. Reading: The General runs up to an enemy, and shouts in his face: ”だい”, and then たいs the enemy in knots.