Today during my new lessons study I found some kind of joke (?) in the database of Wanikani!
For the term “National Treasure” 国宝 was the synonym “Nic Cage” given. I am not an English native speaker, but I guess it refers to “Nicolas Cage” ?!? Some kind of joke here in WaniKani or admiration, fan-ish weirdness??
Any thoughts about it? Did anybody see it as well?
Just go watch “Adaptation” directed by Spike Jonez where Cage plays Charlie Kaufman (the writer of the movie) and his twin brother (Kaufman doesn’t have a twin). Nic Cage IS a nation treasure, and one of the best actors in his generation when he’s not being lazy, which, sadly, is most of the time.
When I came across “Wall Cubbard” as a meaning for 押入れ, I thought maybe that was a staff in-joke, so I asked Kristen who confirmed that most likely, someone on the staff (name redacted to protect the guilty, I suppose) was just a bad speller. Anyway, she removed it, so don’t be inputting “Wall Cubbard” when that word comes up for Enlighten or Burn…