New WaniKani Knowledge Base


Hm that would be a nice chance to get a badge if we read the onboarding series (or even everything that is written in there). You know, for the badge hoarders. Not me.
Awesome work as always and very professional and with the right amount of humor we know from WaniKani.
Thank you for your hard work!

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Coolio! I hope we will get less “WK is going too slow” posts soon. Not that anything is wrong with that, but reading the same question and the same answer over and over again, kinda like a waste of server disk space.

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This is so true. At least this will be more robust than the old guide and FAQ. Thank you for all your hard work!



runs off to update welcome message

Thank you Kristin!!!

Edit: Aaaaand donezoes. I just did a welcome post.

Read through most of it and I like how everything is divided into different categories with commonly asked questions and fancy GIFs and everything.

Question, do you think it is still possible for newbies to skip through most of these?

Personally, I feel like the Radicals, Kanji and Vocab topic should be higher up the list but maybe that’s just me.


Looking at the onboaring series, the gif for the first lessons section shows 42+ available lessons, which isn’t possible for a real level 1 person :stuck_out_tongue:
Similarly, the first kanji lesson has way too many radical lessons, and vocab lessons (plus 代 isn’t a level 1 kanji).
Now, I don’t think it will confuse most people, but I somehow get the feeling we’ll get some people coming here asking why they don’t have that amount of lessons, and no vocab.
(I may be just paranoid; it’s low priority in any case)


I saw this last night while trying to get some information about the SRS time intervals and told myself: “Man, it has been a while since I visited the FAQ! I don’t remember it looking like this!”.

It looks awesome and it’s very easy to navigate. Great job @ everyone involved.


Good stuff. And I love you are using Jekyll.

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We’ll be adding to it and editing it, so I’m sure there’s room for improvement with the ordering.

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New WaniKani Knowledge Base



Ohhh, I like it

Nitpick me found a typo :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting Started - How Wanikani works
Take, for example, Item A . You keep getting it wrong. The WaniKani system knows this, so it will quiz you on Item A more often. On the other hand, say you’re really good at Item B . You’ve gotten in correct many times in a row. Each time you get Item B correct, the WaniKani system increases the time between reviews for that item. This is good because when you recall a piece of information just before you’re about to forget it, your brain actually tags it as more important, making it easier to recall next time. This series of longer and longer spaces between correct recalls is how we get a radical, kanji, and vocabulary to automatic in your brain (in other words, a state of fluency).


That sounds like a good thing. I’ve been out of correct for too long now.


It will be even worse if there just as many “going to slow” posts as there were before.

The knowledge base thingy is really nice, by the way. :slight_smile:

Niceeeee, it’s super easy to use. <3

oh neat love this sites designs

It’s a Christmas miracle!! Thanks wanikani team - I’m loving all the new updates.

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I actually find this to be a distinct step backwards in terms of usability.

Before, I could skim though the text on a single page (well, actually 2 pages) and find what I was looking for. Now I have to click random links to find something I know I read previously.

On the plus side, combining the FAQ and Guide was a good idea.

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we were talking about the new user experience just bit go. glad you started working on it.

Great!! Love it!!
Haven‘t actually looked at it. But I‘m going to, promise!

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I took the time to read the onboarding series. I noticed that the level up page is no where in the numbered list at the bottom of each post, although it is linked a couple of times. Might be good to add it into the flow somewhere. I also noticed article 6 (unlocking vocabulary) doesn’t link to article 7 (is WK free?) at the end. At the end of article 6 (unlocking vocabulary) there is a link to a level up article except the link goes nowhere ( (The correct link is How Do I Level Up? | WaniKani Knowledge and this one has no list of the onboarding articles so if it gets added…)

I also looked at at least one more article in the onboarding series that had a link to a level up page and it had the same wrong link (unlocking kanji). I did not check all the other articles since I have no idea how many places link to a level up article (both in the onboarding series and outside it).

However, I really like the new knowledge base! Fantastic work! <3 :crabigator: