New vocab that uses already learned kanji and/or spellings should still repeat the mnemonics

Hey everyone,

I started WaniKani last February, got to almost level five – but then took a break until now. Reset my progress to level three to make things a bit more managable getting back into WaniKani — and am constantly hit with “Oh, you’ve already learned the reading of this!”. Maybe, but I don’t remember :')

I’d love to be able to have WK show me the stories associated with all the symbols if needed. It would make getting back into WK a lot easier, and I feel like it would make remembering new ‘old’ words a lot easier too, as you are simultanously reminded of the mnemonic. Maybe the ‘reading notes’ tab could automatically link to the used kanji or something?

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It would be nice to not have to use links at all (such as by hovering, at least when using a computer), but if you just want a link, I believe that’s already there isn’t it?


You can click on those to see their full card including the mnemonics.

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Thanks for the reply! It seems like I’m not far enough in my journey yet to see these kinds of composed kanjis…

This is e.g. what I’m having in mind – WK is just telling me that I should know how to read the ‘adult’ bit, and gives me the reading, but I’d love it to show me the ‘Oh, Toner’ story behind it too.

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Oh you’re talking about the special ones that themselves are reusing other vocab.

There aren’t that many of those, but that would indeed be nice to add!
I think right now that only way is to open another tab and use the search feature :confused:

Most of them would be more like 人工, where it’s just using kanji parts and you can just go to the Kanji Composition tab and check them out.

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