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Ah yes. So if i use a script to say, learn vocab in the middle of radicals/kanji then I would guru the kanji later and not level up. Yes that might work thank you !

That makes sense psychologically, but you can do the same artificially by just doing those vocab lessons and then stopping before the radical lessons. And that way you’re pacing yourself too! \o/ It’s not like you have to do lessons all at once no matter what, so you have some options for pacing and whatnot when new lessons come due to either guruing or a level-up. But if reordering things would better help motivation, you should totally give it a whirl. Happy studying! :smile:

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Haha yeah thanks for understanding what I meant :grin:


The option to order lessons as “ascending, then shuffled” will help you with getting vocab lessons bit by bit without levelling up all at once.


How can I prevent “errors” like this? Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Just typing faster? I know the 2nd one should be smaller. For a while I ll type on english keyboard and no IME cause its too early (but I have already a japanese keyboard bought).

Second question is if there is any audio plugin for wanikani so i can hear the readings.


You typed jiyou, it needs to be jyou. Or jou. Or most inconveniently jixyou (where x makes the next character small). Not necessary here, but maybe useful info.

If by this you mean one with kana printed on the keys, it’s not necessary. Even Japanese people use IMEs with romaji for nearly all of their keyboard input.

Vocab have recordings, but kanji do not. There’s no way to add audio for them. The reason usually given is that they’re not words, so there’s no single “correct” way to pronounce a kanji in isolation.

Thank you about your explanation.

Sorry for the newbie question, but I hope the other senior can help me when they are studying from multiple source. It is confusing how to make the connection and how to use it in daily life.

I really enjoy studying Kanji in WaniKani, even this is hard.
I think I must be lost in the connection between Joyo and JLPT.

The weird thing is the level when Kumon-kanji are introduced to us.
The level is totally different with WaniKani.
Moreover, the kanji that I mainly used is the JLPT, which Kumon also use as the standard.
Perhaps, if you want to see, I can scan the kanji that is used by Kumon.

As for reading, I might be not advanced yet,
I read kids manga such as Doraemon to help me study Japanese.

Thanks for giving me motivation and enlightenment.

Thank you for the explanation, but I really hope to enrich my vocabulary in Japan when I am studying in Wani Kani.

Thanks to Wani Kani, I use the vocabulary to help me remembering and use it in daily conversation.
The Japanese always help me to correct things and told me the “normal” way to say.

As an example to make it clear :

Lesson 6 kanji :

As you can see, the meaning of the kanji is Non-Stop.

I use the vocabulary in the airport when I check in my baggage.
I said to them ”荷物は直行ですか。”
Not as expected, they shocked and confused.
When I said in English “Direct”, they said: 直接 is correct than 直行

In the end, we laugh together and I learn something new.
Learning SRS method is fun, but for me, by using it in daily life, makes me better to learn Japanese.

Thank you @Leebo for the support

It’s about knowing how to use the words… You can take a 直行便 (direct flight), but 直接便 is not a word. So in that case, 直行 would be correct.

直接 is a general purpose word for anything that means “direct.” Additionally, 直行 is often used when talking about business trips, to describe how the itinerary will go.

WK gave you 直行 so that you can reinforce the ways to pronounce those characters when you see them, and also to see how the character meanings are working.

But they don’t necessarily explain the narrow usage.

You’ll learn 直接 in level 26.

But yeah… just keep that in mind and it sounds like you’re going to do okay.

Me too! Japanese is a hard language for me to learn, but Wanikani makes kanji fun.

Joyo is the order that Japanese schoolchildren learn. JLPT, as you know, is for foreign adults. Wanikani is different from both of them, but not too different.
WK level 16 = JLPT N5 100% (N4 96%, N3 51%, N2 25%, N1 3%)
WK level 27 = JLPT N4 100% (N3 83%, N2 53%, N1 12%)
WK level 40 = JLPT N3 98% (N2 83%, N1 32%)
WK level 51 = JLPT N2 100% (N1 55%)

If you have the time, it’s fine to learn “extra” kanji through WK. Then when you get to it in Kumon it will be easier. Similarly, if you learn a kanji in Kumon first, it should be easier when you get to it in WK.

I’m not really either :sweat_smile: This is the kind of stuff I’m reading for practice:

(It’s a book for 7-8 year old kids.)

This article might give you some more encouragement. It talks a bit about why making mistakes in language learning is ok - and even a good thing!

As Leebo said, I think you’re going to be fine :slight_smile: Because you are taking what you’re learning and trying to apply it in real life, you’ll remember it better.


Someone named Eric Canary emailed me in response to my question on a forum here about the slow pace of proceeding–I was cut off when I tried to expand my answer to him/it. As a newbie I was questioning the pace of lessons and reviews–I want more at this point because I’ve studied Japanese for awhile. Hoping to speed up now and slow down later, obviously, but probably not possible. :slight_smile:

Anyway, not happy that he contacted me on my email but we couldn’t have a full conversation.

If you’e going to email me expect a conversation!

Are you sure it was a direct email and not an email notification? Those messages posted on here can come through email and if you respond there they get posted here. But as far as I know there’s no way to email someone directly.


At work I have also 2x 15 minute breaks and I wanna do a couple of reviews that time. But it seems if i do a green review and close the browser it shows as I didnt do anything.

For kanji and vocabulary reviews, you have 2 reviews per item.

  • Kanji/Vocab => Meaning
  • Kanji/Vocab => Reading

Both need to be completed in order for the item to move up or down in the SRS :slight_smile:

thx but i am trying now to type the reading for “three things” and it doesnt accept mi xtsu tsu or or mixtsu or mi+tsu fast. sry im on mobile in a break at work so had to use romaji. wanikani has IME integrated but i couldnt pass that review

For small つ, doubling the consonent always gives it to you.


I don’t know why mixtsutsu wouldn’t be accepted though.

PS: I don’t know what you are referring to when you say “fast” here. Like… you mean you’re just trying to type at a faster speed? What would that do?

By which he means “just type ‘mittsu’”. Or hey, if you’re trying to save on keystrokes, “mittu” does the trick too.

You’d be better off pushing the “wrap up” button rather than just closing the browser. it’s the one at the left-hand end of the row of buttons under the text entry box.

Well, I thought the fact that I just typed mittsu below that was clear, but maybe not. :wink:

Oh… somehow I completely did not see that.

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