I’ve never posted on the forums before, it’s typically not my scene, so apologies in advance if I’m doing this wrong. I just figured while there was a lot of noise about the new UI I should have my say, especially given how much it’s affected me. Melodramatic? Probably, but this is going to be a long post explaining so warning in advance.
It seems immature and childish to be affected so much by stuff like this. I know that, but for some people (such as myself) change isn’t so much of the problem as sudden and unwarned change is. But it’s done now, so that was just an aside, perhaps next time there could be a heads up for people such as myself who (due to mental reasons etc) need stability and time to get their heads around things.
The new UI is, in my opinion, awful. But I read about how it’s here to stay, I’ve read about how the devs are going to be taking feedback etc. (hence why I’m posting this, on the minuscule chance that it has any affect). Obviously, change has to happen (blah blah), so this isn’t me just blowing up because stuff is suddenly different. I was going to post last night but I thought no, you’ll get used to it, you’re emotional right now, simmer down. I can get my head around the new slick dropdowns, the burger joint godawful banner logo (sorry but…it’s bad), but I just can’t stop shrugging off a few other things. The lessons and reviews icons.
Which leads me to this post. Ideally, it would be nice if there could be a “classic view” option (as others have mentioned), with the round, friendly icons and the warm, inviting banner. For those of us (such as myself) who pretty much rely on the appearance of the site as a way to learn the kanji (inviting, warm, friendly - something that squares don’t really exude which is probably why it feels cold now) and a little “safe haven” place that feels kinda cosy and secure to be in to learn.
But, the new UI is here to stay (in their words) so I can see how they probably wouldn’t do that. They probably wouldn’t care about the people such as myself, who just seem kinda wounded about change and will probably get used to it or whatever. I get this, but there has to be a middle ground, right?
Before, I used to enjoy coming onto WaniKani. I was self learning, self motivated, lots of mental barriers (as I’m sure lots of other people on here can relate to), so the appearance really mattered. Yeah, one can argue that change is necessary/mountains out of molehills, but just because it seems small and unimportant to others doesn’t mean it isn’t intensely uncomfortable for people, or a worry that isn’t valid. To suddenly enforce a unexpected change is a bold move, to do so without a trial option to revert is even bolder, and to dismiss people who are suddenly rocked by this (due to lots of mental reasons stability is kind of important) is quite impressive. Of course, the WaniKani team have been great - changing the colours and the logo colour (red was a bad choice, even psychologically speaking) to stuff that seems warmer after people flagged it up - so this is not meant to be an attack on them, and I apologise if it sounds like such. I’m just trying to explain the motivations of another person who dislikes the new UI and has made a unreasonably long post about it. The mental state and feeling of someone who dislikes it, and why they like the previous one, rather than just a wah wah change!! post.
So, it’s here to stay. It feels cold (probs due to squares and the small size), clinical. It isn’t warm and inviting like the previous UI was (again, size probably), there isn’t the level indicator, the 42+ lessons has been changed to show the exact number (I’m aware lots of people didn’t like the 42+ thing? They used scripts to get around it - but for someone such as myself being able to straight up see the exact number is incredibly demotivating and so the 42+ was a lifesaver), and the lesson logo changes colour depending on how many you have (ooff don’t like this because the colours seem out of place and some of which are triggers - an option to turn this off would be nice).
All of this is fine and dandy, but could there at least be an option for round buttons? What is all the dead space next to the banner for? The tiny toolbar means the focus isn’t drawn on the lessons and reviews (point of the site) your eye wanders, you’re not able to just see - BAM- that’s how many lessons etc. I have to do. It’s…seemingly unnecessarily small and obscure, and this is from someone who’s eyesight isn’t actually too bad.
So, all of the other stuff that makes people like myself feel all urghg about stays, but at the very least can the icons for the reviews and lessons be the size they previously were - the toolbar be the size it previously was? So there isn’t all this dead space eating up the screen and distracting from the focus of the site - learning kanji - and reminding people like me who can’t STAND the new UI (like, it makes me feel really stressed (and upset because the past one was so friendly) because of how cold and clinical it feels all of a sudden - I honestly really don’t want to learn anymore kind of feeling) that it’s there and they don’t like it because of xyz.
The new UI can still be the same, but bigger logos? Or an option to make them round? Or even an option to have the 42+ and no colour instead of a dauntingly large number with a bad backdrop?
Heck, even better would be an option to have “classic mode”, something with all the slick UI’s but the appearance of the old one (which…actually thinking about it is just bigger, rounder logos…)
I’m probably shouting into the void. I know it won’t make a difference, these types of posts never really do, they just sound like a special snowflake getting upset at change vs. someone with mental issues feeling stressed about it, but it wanted to say something anyway; just because the WaniKani team have been listening to feedback and (I believe) do care about the learners on this site (such as myself) with autism or other mental health issues that make the new layout…feel colder to (not sure how to phrase this?)
If anyone has/is making a script to have the appearance of the old WaniKani, please let me know.
Again, sorry for the long ramble. And sorry for sounding whiny and like I’m using mental health reasons as an excuse. It wasn’t my intention at all - I just wanted to explain the impact from another point of view and try to come to a middle-ground solution that isn’t just “this is bad. change back.”