New Content not so Optional After All

Thanks :wink:

Will take a look at it in more detail when I can breathe a little :stuck_out_tongue:

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I went ahead and unburned the kanji of which were switched over to their on’yomi counterparts, and honestly…

Mistakes from faded memory aside (I probably need to do some burn cleanup once I get through my lesson queue), I already knew maybe 13-ish of these readings from the vocabulary (I just wasn’t actively thinking about them). Yes, there’s things that’ll throw me off, but in the end they’re still readings. It’s not like WaniKani switching over the reading that they teach made the old reading disappear from the Japanese language. It’s still going to be used in vocabulary and in the end it’s still going to be useful one way or another.

It’s a bit of a rough start, but it’ll be simple enough to persevere.


My only complaint with the changes. Are at level 5 specifically. The Kanji for older brother got moved to level 5 from 4. However I already knew it and the pronunciation, even got it up to Guru… Then In level 5 I get the siblings Vocab… Whose reading hint is “This uses the readings you already learned for both Kanji”… Except its using the new reading for Older Brother, not the older one. As such, the mnemonic given for the vocab (nothing) is useless, and I have to relearn the Kanji from the ground up.

All that being said, obviously WK is meant for kanji learning, so vocab is of secondary concern to the team,and has no bearing on my learning rate on WK.


久 got moved from level 4-ish to level 32*.
I don’t know if it was moved in THIS update but it’s kinda funny that I have a burned level 31 item.


No, but they made it disappear from the reviews and don’t accept input for it. At least they should’ve made the same thing as for the radicals and allow Kun’yomi readings to be input as well and just make a notification as always saying that that item had multiple readings.

This update was not made as seamless as it should’ve been.

level 32, actually -久

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And then you wouldn’t learn the other reading.
Switching (most) of the kanji to on’yomi created a useful uniformity - for the most part, any kanji that get queued will be the on’yomi reading. Personally I didn’t even know ちゃく was a reading of 着.


There’s already, and always has been, a notification if you give on’yomi/kun’yomi for a kanji and WK wants the other one.

If WK now wants the other one but you can’t recall it, then it’s just inviting you to learn or brush up on a new element of Japanese.

Granted, it might be a slightly bumpy user experience if you’ve never yet learnt the newly prompted on’yomi - but in that case, just get it wrong, open the details, and start to learn.

Always keep in mind that the final objective is to improve your Japanese, not to progress through WaniKani as quickly as possible :slight_smile:


True, though I wondered about “most”, so I wrote a script to count them - number of kanji by WK primary reading type:

1718 on’yomi
306 kun’yomi
3 nanori


How is that different from before? You also knew one reading back then. Most of the time I only pay attention to the main reading. The rest will come with vocabulary. That’s the advantage of WK, you don’t have to know all of the readings of a particular kanji, just the most common one, or more if that’s the case.

The point is, what they are doing now is no different than what we had before, a focus on one main reading of a kanji. I couldn’t care less about learning the Kun’yomi reading or the On’yomi. I’ll get both eventually. It’s the way this was handled. We are forced to learn it the hard way. They didn’t give us much choice in the end.

There’s no practical way to go forward with the old content. It’s like someone gives you two paths to go, one leads to a cliff, and the other to their convenient choice. You can still choose which way you wanna go, but…

I wasn’t talking about that notification. I was mentioning the fact that they should let us input Kun’yomi readings when it’s applicable, and notify us saying that there’s multiple readings for that kanji, but they won’t let us.

Thanks for this, been wondering about it for a while now.

I have had this problem too, kind of. Only I chose to relearn. They have asked me Kanji readings I haven’t learnt yet, though. A lot of them taught the kun’yomi but are now asking me for the on’yomi which I haven’t learnt yet. Kind of stinks. It is making me fail my lessons even though I have technically learnt them yet… Eventually I’ll learn, it will just put my levels down for a bit…

Sure there is. Just continue using the old-radical mnemonics.

Yes, as you originally noted, these mnemonics will be unsuitable for a small proportion of the readings.

This is not ideal, but in your case as someone on level 11, you only have 16 (out of 1642) more kanji which transitioned from requesting kun’yomi to on’yomi still to encounter, and of those 16, only 6 are affected by the radical renames.

So, for 6 out of 1642 of your future WK kanji, you’ll have to cope without a WK-supplied mnemonic for the reading.

That’s very different from “no practical way” in my opinion.

Please don’t say fact when you mean opinion, it doesn’t tend to lead to healthy discussion.

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Yes, but going forward, continuing to use old mnemonics will have the same effect when the reading that’s been teaching is different. That’s why I said it’s not practical.

Are you a native English speaker? I’m not. Maybe the wrong word there. I wrote fact as in actuality. And by the way, they actually don’t let us input Kun’yomi when they’re looking for On’yomi, which is technically correct. That’s an actual fact, not an opinion.

For the individuals having difficulty coping with change, I highly suggest reading the book “Who Moved my Cheese”. Great book, great life lesson.



No, the way you used fact was fine.

I understand why it’s easy to assume otherwise though.

So, when someone has a different opinion than you you try to be condescending. Not helpful for the discussion.

If there was no negative feedback in the first place these changes wouldn’t even exist, since they were based on previous feedback.

No need for life lessons, just mentioning the simple fact that they should’ve handled this differently.

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At level 33, I was a little disappointed and frustrated that I’d have to go back and re-learn a lot of radicals, but after going through and reviewing them every day I found that a lot of them are much more logical and in fact I’ve even forgotten the old meanings of half of them :slightly_smiling_face:

For a couple of the older kanji I’ve reviewed many times already, I actually didn’t bother to make new mnemonics and I still use the ones I’m familiar with, which I think is okay! But if that doesn’t work out for others, I think you’ll be a making a lot new mnemonics in the future for other kanji you learn as well and a couple more for the old ones can’t do too much harm!

Although I haven’t worked with the new radicals for long, I think that they’ll be a lot easier in the long run. I remember seeing ネ (from level 4) got changed to “spirit” and you’ll find it used in kanji related to this meaning like 神(god) or 禅(zen) which makes a lot more sense to me than what it was before.

Since the update is still brand new, I think WK might still go through and fix some hiccups, but if it seems hard to continue straight from here maybe a short level reset could do some good in solidifying new knowledge if you plan to work with the new radicals in the end?

Take some deep breaths and let’s enjoy the ride :raised_hands:


It’s a fact that they don’t, but it’s opinion that they should.