I followed the visual guide and everything but for some reason nothing has changed. I don’t know if it pulls my API key automatically or not, or if the issue is something else. Someone help I’m really frustrated TT_TT
Do you have Tampermonkey installed? You need a userscript manager installed in order for userscripts to take effect
If you do have a userscript manager already, there might be an issue with the script – if that’s the case, here’s the one I use with no issue: WaniKani Reorder Ultimate
I downloaded the one you show me and I can definitely tell a difference, but how do I get it to show me kanji/radicals first? Sometimes I think I’ve arranged it so that happens, but after like two kanji it goes back to vocab.
Hmm that might be because you have both item types and levels checkmarked for sorting, so it’s sorting it by item type (radical–>kanji–>vocab) but also per level
From the description of the userscript:
So try unchecking the “Sort Levels” box, and that should then only sort by item types and give you only radicals → kanji → vocab