Most effective way to learn


I just realized something. Going too slow can be detrimental for a very large reason. Especially if you’re burning within a couple levels.

You get 礼 around level 4 or 5 (can’t remember) and 札 at like level 8. If you burn 礼 before you get 札 then you might not ever get it wrong because they are so similar. If you have a much smaller pool to burn obviously you are less likely to get it wrong but you probably aren’t learning as good as you could be.

Hope that makes sense.


I assume you’re basically saying that it’d be better to have a pool that includes similar kanji so that you can work on not only memorizing their readings/meanings, but also distinguishing them from each other early on, rather than learning them at different times and later finding that you’re confusing one for the other while reading.

Partially. Also saying that you may not be learning them as good as you think you’re learning them.

If you’re worried about that then go with Lifetime if/when you decide to sign up.

Going slow (or rather, at a pace that is comfortable to you) and finishing is better than rushing through it, and burning out. Or possibly not retaining it either.

How many lessons a day do you do currently? As long as you’re usually doing them steadily, it’s okay even if it’s a small amount. : D

I myself am only doing 10-20 lessons a day right now. (Today I did 15.)

Try not to worry so much about others… Really the competition should only be with yourself.



I saw that later… I had maybe only read the first 5 or so posts before I had replied.

I do wonder if by 2 lessons the OP @TheWhiteWolf actually means two default batches of lessons - which would then actually be 10 items he’s learning a day…

The rest of my post still stands, I think. >.>

Yeah, it looks good. Just don’t give up.

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Most has already been said, but if you want to go faster, you can try to check out what is ahead on next level. I don’t mean learning kanji and radicals from next level, but at least checking them out from time to time and figuring if you’re going to have problems with them. I do this and it speeds up my pace without disrupting entire point of SRS. And you have to certainly dedicate more time to study. Btw, are you from Poland, @TheWhiteWolf? :wink:

As of yet, I don’t have a very clear idea. Learning more about the degree, it seems you begin to specialise a couple years in. I don’t yet know which aspects I’ll like or dislike, so I can’t give a full answer. Sorry :confused:

@AnimeCanuck Scrap that two a day, I will try do as much I can in the time I have. It’s literally studying the entire day, and then two episodes of anime at night; that usually leaves like 30-45 minutes for everything else … I find the best way to learning anyway is by getting it wrong. No matter how difficult it is, getting it wrong enough always digs it in. So with that thought, it really doesn’t matter how many lessons I take (so I should just do as much as possible). Plus, I’m only on level two; if I’m going to whine at this level, may as well give up.

@Inaetia When you say look ahead, I can only really look at level 3 xD And at this point, a look like katakana characters so there’s not really much point :stuck_out_tongue: And no, I’m from England.

If you increase to that much, you may burn out (sounds like you mean to study Japanese nonstop???). A few hours to maybe 4 hours a day maximum is probably alright…

You seem to be going for either extreme… Well… 頑張って regardless… ^_^;

Nono, not studying Japanese all day; college work. Less than 3 months till exams. That’s why I’m saying, not much time to learn Japanese. And I have no idea what, ‘頑張って’ means btw, sorry

Really? My exams are this week (totally not hiding on the forums from studying)

頑張って means がんばって which means “do your best!” basically.
When I started seeing that everywhere at level 1 here, I looked it up on I got used to seeing it very early on, and now can recognize it on sight even though WK hasn’t taught it to me yet.

Do you use Jisho or any other online J-E dictionary yet? There’s a great bookmarklet for Jisho you can grab (or you can grab yourself Rikaikun or Rikaichan) to help you translate unfamiliar Japanese words and 漢字 that you don’t yet know.

So, in that case, your previous posts have been pretty confusing to me. In either case, I hope you can figure out a way to manage your time that works for you.

I actually made some study sheets for about ten of the levels just before I was about to level up.

It really worked. The time spent on lessons pays off many times over I found.

If I ever want to translate anything, I just use google translate. 90% of the time I’m translating katakana from song names (though I can read it, sometimes I don’t know what it means which really ticks me off xD) so google translate is perfect.

My advice is try doing 10 lessons a day. If you get too many reviews, look at the number of Apprentice items you have. Try to keep that under 100 or so. Try to keep the number of reviews per day to about 120. All this should be doable in about 1.5 hours per day (some people would do it in half the time). You should spend at least an hour (ideally) on other Japanese learning sources otherwise there’s no point. You don’t learn grammar here, or a lot of basic vocab when you need it. Genki is good for all that. If you don’t have this much time, try taking a 24 hour vacation mode day once a week off Wanikani (go into settings and activate it) to catch up on grammar etc. Also stop doing lessons or cut down to 5 a day if things get too much. Try to aim to level up at least once a month or you’ll just give up eventually.

Obviously cut all this down as your exams get closer.

By the way, just for reference; I think most of us either do all the lessons at once, or spread them out over a few days.

I don’t. I do about 10 per day, sometimes none.

I think you’re right not to want to reorder. One thing I do use it for though is to pair up the meanings and readings, as I like to get tested on both consecutively. I find it quicker and helps me learn the item better.

Then you’re not in the majority ¯_(ツ)_/¯