Mokuro: Read Japanese manga with selectable text inside a browser

Ok, suspicion confirmed! Maybe when I get some time I’ll mess around with a fork of the mokuro codebase and see if I can throw something together. It’ll give me an opportunity to experiment with some more frontend work.

It looks like development has slowed on the project, though? I see in the mokuro-0.2.0 branch where they are moving to some sort of .mokuro file but I’m not finding much information about the format.

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Simple? Nope.

The main issue that comes up is that there’s no way to get the changes from a web page file back to the file system (without having a server backend and implementing something for that).

If I were going to implement something like this, it’d be along these lines:

  1. Create the Javascript/CSS necessary to modify the text boxes.

  2. Store these changes in the browser’s local storage, so closing the page doesn’t lose changes.

    • Optionally, implement Javascript to takes the local storage and applies it back to the textboxes when the document is opened.
  3. Add a button that when clicked goes through the changes and creates/downloads new JSON files and a new HTML file.

  4. Manually move the files downloaded from the button click to the manga and OCR folders.

An alternate implementation would be just the first 2.5 steps, and trust that you don’t lose your browser’s local storage.


The project likely reached the developer’s desired feature set (which I’d say his very first release probably had for the most part.)

Don’t forget to check out the forks, especially any older forks with activity in the past six months.


Oh I see, I had assumed that at the very least the text edits were being saved but I just checked and that’s not the case. I suppose that makes sense in hindsight, I’m just editing the version of the HTML file that’s loaded into the browsers memory. As you can guess, frontend work is not my day job.

OK, then maybe I’ll only work on this if I’m really bored, haha.

Forks mean there are several versions right? What would be the most recommended in this case?

To this day I haven’t tried mokuro, but it seems interesting.

Blade of the immortal the bakumatsu hen seems interesting to read for me since there are no English translations past volume 2.

will mokuro get to this level?

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You can’t go wrong with the main fork by kha-white.

My fork adds in the ability to use my bookshelf web page.

Other forks add in support for other image formats, support for EPUB and CBZ files, improved mobile support, and so on.

Likely the manga in that video is high quality images. Many commercially released digital manga fall extremely short. That makes is difficult to compare.

Here’s the quality from 「無限の住人~幕末ノ章~」:



Even the most complex kanji seem to be clear and readable.

I have high expectations of Mokuro on this.

Some volumes are free for a limited period right now. I’ll run one through Mokuro and post some results.


I believe that tool came up a couple times during the mokuro talk. It’s a tool made for publishers, who have access both to the high quality versions and blanks. Iirc there are some really funny pictures on their site, where the english is just… off.


one of the issues I found with mokoro, was that well I could get it on the tablet, the it wouldn’t display properly (seems like a file path issue for the images)

never went back to try to deal with it
and if I have to re-mokoro, probably won’t bother

This can be solved with


if this works would be awesome!!!
I’ll try it later tonight

Mokuro’s output of random dialogue from volume 2:

Sample 1




Sample 2



Sample 3



If you had to go that route, it would be a matter of deleting the HTML file, re-running Mokuro, it re-uses the existing _ocr folder with JSON files (if you didn’t delete that), and it finishes in a second or two.


still have it all (i think) - but right now eh can’t be bothered
getting ready for a long vacation and no time to mess around

now that I have had a chance to look, I cannot upload the files i have, they aren’t in the right format
still would require rerunning mokuro anyway with the beta install which isn’t installed

oh well for now the laptop works I guess :wink:

Thanks, looks nice then.

Instead of yotsubato that everyone recommends as first manga, I will start hardcore with mugen no juunin :rofl:


I’ve been having issues with self uploading manga to the reader. I created the .mokuro file and uploaded both the .zip and the .mokuro file but somehow I do not see any image when clicking on the then uploaded manga that shows up. I can however, when I hover over individual pages, see that OCR of text is available. Has anyone had similar issues and knows how to fix this? I am on mac right now but will try to replicate on Windows tomorrow.

Update Edit: Figured it out for anyone who might struggle in the future - it was a macOS issue as the .zip file also created another subfolder when directly creating the zip format through macOS. Zipping the file through 7zip fixed the issue.

Help please :pray:

Change path/to/ with the actual path of where your book is :slight_smile:

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Copied the path straight from the file

it’s definitely a file path issue
can’t remember what I did exactly not on the laptop
but I did get out of the whole drive letter mess

I did put all my files in one location and each book in it’s own folder
Then changed to the folder I wanted
then just typed mokuro and the folder name w/o the drive letter

(can’t look until later tonight - but maybe this type of approach will get you going?)


Your path is wrong. The way it’s written in your screenshot, it looks like you only changed path/to/ when you copy-pasted.
it should look something like
mokuro “C:\Users \ …\Downloads\鋼の錬金術師\vol1”


mokuro /"C:\Users \ …\Downloads\鋼の錬金術師"鋼の錬金術師/vol1

find the exact path to the folder with the jpg images, and paste it right after mokuro

you have floating " s, duplicate 鋼の錬金術師, and slashes in weird places…


Yep it’s still the path.
You can use this button on Windows, it will automatically copy the whole thing, quotes included:

So you only need to type mokuro[space] and then paste, the command will be something like:
mokuro “C:\Users\XXX\XXX\Japanese\Mokuro\シャドーハウス\01”