This is my first post, so please excuse it if it should be in a different category.
I am currently studying for the N1 in December. I finished all vocabs in wanikani (finished level 60 and are now just getting everything into long term memory).
While learning for N1 with decks on ankidroid I noticed that in wanikani there are multiple kanjis and even more vocabulary that is missing in wanikani. So I was wondering if there are any plans to add them in the future? That would be great since I prefer wanikani over most other apps for studying kanji and vocabs. So wanted to ask here.
Example missing kanji/vocabs
Some of these are even in example sentences but not in the kanji/vocab list
There’s 257 missing kanji
弘 彦 李 浩 宏 旭 磯 萩 栗 辰 霞 淳 桂 晋 晃 桐 鷹 猪 紘 敦 祐 鵬 亘 笹 毅 稔 楊 椿 厘 圭 薫 伍 蘭 秦 茅 郁 楠 玲 肇 亨 逓 嶺 喬 寅 洲 樺 槙 巌 峻 槻 琢 蕉 琉 朋 橘 漱 苑 巽 杜 翁 欣 窯 巴 禎 稜 倭 魁 鴻 於 赳 禄 孟 嫡 尭 嚇 巳 暢 韻 硝 勅 芹 棺 儒 鳳 馨 慧 愁 楼 彬 匡 欽 薪 褐 賜 嵯 綜 繕 翠 鮎 榛 艶 惣 蔦 渚 衷 逐 斥 稀 芙 詔 皐 雛 惟 佑 耀 黛 渥 宵 惇 脩 甫 蚕 暉 頒 只 檀 凱 彗 謄 丑 嗣 叶 汐 絢 朔 伽 畝 抄 黎 冴 旺 壱 偲 允 侯 蒔 舜 附 彪 卯 但 皓 洸 毬 鯛 怜 邑 倣 碧 啄 穣 酉 悌 柚 繭 亦 詢 采 紗 賦 眸 玖 弐 錘 諄 倖 痘 笙 侃 裟 洵 爾 耗 昴 銑 莞 伶 碩 宥 滉 晏 朕 迪 綸 竣 晨 吏 燦 麿 頌 箇 琳 梧 澪 匁 晟 衿 凪 梢 丙 茄 勺 恕 蕗 瑚 遵 燎 虞 柊 侑 謁 嵩 捺 蓉 茉 袈 燿 誼 冶 墾 勁 菖 椋 叡 紬 胤 凜 亥 爵 脹 麟 瑶 瑳 耶 椰 絃 丞 奎 塑 昂 柾 熙 菫 鞠 崚 濫 捷
As to whether or not WaniKani should cover them, it becomes a question of diminishing returns - at thirty-and-some kanji per level, WaniKani would need to add another eight levels to cover them all. Odds are, though, that outside of studying for the N1 exam, you’ll probably never encounter them in the wild. (Aside from the ones that are used in place names, though you can easily lean those on a case-by-case basis.)
As for vocab, WaniKani’s never had a focus on vocab (their attempt at including all-kana vocab aside), so you’d need to go for an external source either way.
For some of them this is definitely the case. There are a handful of them that I would expect more serious learners to encounter outside of place names. There’s a few I’ve seen in the last week alone.
Not that I necessarily think wanikani should add any of them, though.
Yeah I think it really depends on what material you are reading. I’ve seen probably more than half just in the last 6 months of reading, but modern literature is full of even more obscure kanji than those listed.
I think they’ve absolutely been worthwhile for me to learn because it makes it that much faster for me while reading. That being said I agree with you that WK shouldn’t prioritize adding them. Learning through context is king, and tacking 10 more levels on is going to delay some people from reading and learning them naturally.
Also when I took the exam recently, I thought the kanji section was by far the easiest. So much so that I don’t remember a single kanji from that section because they didn’t leave much of an impression.
I would be kind of shocked if JLPT asked you to read 旭 or 磯. They’re not even joyo.
If someone added them to an N1 list, I imagine it’s because some kind of place name or person’s name with them showed up in a reading comprehension passage, but there’s no reason to worry about those kinds of words in reading comprehension passages.