is anyone using minna no nihongo series is it good??
I am using it, but not as self study. I take a class. If you are thinking of using it, I would recommend getting the grammar book as well, for explanations of each grammar point, as the main book only uses example sentences to explain the grammar points. It is mainly aimed at classroom learning/learning with a teacher.
If you finish the first book up to about chapter 20, and understand and can apply each grammar point, you will be ready for N5. Second book, about chapter 40 will get you ready for N4.
I use it in class. I don’t see it as a good resource for self-learning, there are no explanations.
I use it in school … if you learn alone you should consider the explanation book as well. In my opinion the book itself is quite good
I also use it in the classroom. I have what I think is the grammar book or general textbook and workbook. They are fine, but the explanations aren’t detailed enough for me. I previously used the Genki and sometimes I go back to that book to get better explanations when I go back to review. Overall I think Genki is a better book, but ultimately it’s about finding what suits your needs. Some people self-studying found MNN better. It’s best to get a peek inside to see which explanations make more sense to you.
I’ve used both Genki and MNN as self study, and I recommend MNN only if you a) buy all the books and b) prefer a drier textbook style. That being said I swear by it, I do much prefer MNN.
Also bonus if English isn’t your first language as you can buy the MNN translation book in your language while Genki is only in English. That being said English is mine so this doesn’t apply to me.
I use Minna no nihongo and I love it. Of course you have to buy the translation and explanation book, or you won’t be able to learn the vocab and grammar…
I love the exercises, if you have the book note that there are solutions in the end of the book!
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