May 2nd Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Beginner Welcomed with open arms



in the “narrator” bubble:

この間 当直のバイトをした病院の先生からだった

the letter:



(イエイ) (牛田)

  • ~様【さま】: honorific suffix, more polite version of ~さん
  • 永大出【エイ・ダイ・で】: egress from Eiroku University; that is how Ushida called Saitou.
  • 仲々【なか・なか】: (with a negative verb) “by no means; not readily​” (apparently irregular kanji usage, should be 中々. I know 仲 from 仲間 (なかま, comrade, mate))
  • つながる (繋がる) : to be connected to, to be linked to
  • ので : because
  • ハガキ (葉書) : 2. post card, 2. memo, note
  • 出す【だ・す】: (transitive) 1. to put out, to expose, 2. to publish, to submit, to send a letter.
  • 間【あいだ】: interval of time; nothing special about the word, but note the simplified handwritten form of the component 門 (similar of how it has been simplified in modern Chinese)
  • 順調【ジュン・チョウ】: favorable
  • 回復【カイ・フク】: recovery (from an illness, operation). Those last two are not new, they appeared at the end of Episode 2.
  • こいよ (来いよ) : Come! (irregular imperative of 来る+ particle よ
  • 牛田【うし・だ】: it’s the name of the man Saitou worked at night as part-time job at 誠同病院 in Episode 1.

この間 当直のバイトをした病院の先生からだった
In the meantime, (this) was from the Doctor at the hospital that I did half-time job duty

The letter from 牛田さん:

斉藤英二郎様 Mr Saitou Eijirou
元気か?永大出 're you fine? Eidai-guy
仲々電話がつながらないので As I cannot join you by phone
ハガキを出した。 I sent you a letter.
この間の患者は順調に The patient of the other time
回復してるぞ、 is recovering favourably
また、こっちにも≪バイトに≫こいよ。 See you. Come here to work